"tilt sensing" via Accelerometer
So, now that we're starting to see accelerometer support in firmware. Would it not be plausible to use that to detect "catastropic tilt" in delta effectors?
I mean, if a rod pop, belt snap or similar, the effector will tilt out of whack in a non to subtle fashion, which would be nice to be able to detect?(I suppose it could also be used to detect general "impacts" regardless of kinematic? Even "lack of even an approximate expectation of tool movement" if a kinematic fail was to occurr?
It would probably take a separate cpu for it to take the 'constant polling' load from the main cpu, but then it could even do '18DOF sensor fusion' with ACC/Gyro-sensor and magnet field sensor, like a multicopter. The co-cpu would then trigger the Duet externally in case of an oopsy -
@o_lampe I have no idea what the overhead would be. But again, I suppose an interval check would be better then no check.
Magnet field sensor on a smart effector with Hayden rods.. That would be fun readings
Acceleration is a momentary thing, we'd have to poll the sensor very fast. That's why copters use Gyro data too.
for the mag-field
@o_lampe True. So, either a more advanced sensor, or a co-processor then
@o_lampe but for crash detection you don't need to detect the deacceleration caused by the crash. Only the change of direction of earth's gravitational pull matters. And this you could poll every few seconds. Although I agree, I'd rather see a co-processor on the smart effector that enables some additional smart features