upgraded from firmware 3.0 to 3.2.2
hello hope everyone is doing well. during this covid lockdown i was bored tried to upgrade my system having minor issues
fixed the display issue by adding the M575 P1 S1 B57600 command in config.g
my NPN z probe is my main issue i cant figure out
my old config.g had
M558 P5 R0.4 C"zprobe.in+zprobe.mod" H5 F120 T6000 I1
and it was working fine changed it to the new one
M558 P5 R0.4 C"^zprobe.in+zprobe.mod" H5 F120 T6000
as the guide said needed "^" and removed i1. but its still not lowering the head and getting error "z probe already triggered at start of probing move" while the head is 100mm roughly off he bed.and i moved the m140 h0 command in config.g to before the m143 h0 command fixed the issue of warning heater over powered for 0. so i added m140 h1 before m143 h1 but still getting warning over powered for h1
any help would be greatly appreciated everything was working fine prior to update ive looked over changelogs but i dont see anything im missing if any other files are required let me know plz
@bzad to invert the signal for the z probe (like the old I1), you need and exclamation mark (!). The symbol you used (^) is to enable the pullup resistor. You may or may not need that too (I don't know)
On the heater overpowered message, the message is a warning that your heater is overpowered and will get very hot if left on at 100% (e.g. if the mosfet on the board failed open/on so the board couldn't control it). Your options are to accept the warning and all the risks, or to do something about it in the hardware (e.g. use a less powerful heater, or maybe add a thermal cutout etc so it will kill the power if it actually gets that hot). No amount changes to the config.g file will change the fact that it is overpowered...
ok i think i got the z probe working with
M558 P5 C"^!zprobe.in" H5 F120 T6000
the guide didnt say anything about an ! markso just need help with the "warning heater 1 appears to be over powered if left at full power...."
@engikeneer ok thanks yea i get that error when i turn on the printer and am not doing anything i thought that would come on when u actually power up he bed.
and thanks about the zprobe info i made a new config file with the reprap tool and saw the change