Hotend fan and LEDS do not work
@Mentaluproar said in Hotend fan and LEDS do not work:
I'm trying to figure out what exactly I'm photographing.
I'm just trying to figure out what you're talking about so I figured a picture is worth a thousand words.
@Mentaluproar said in Hotend fan and LEDS do not work:
when wired directly, the hotend fan doesn’t spin up but when disconnected, the LEDs still don’t come on.
I don't know what this means, so take a picture of the wiring you're talking about here.
How is it connected to the SKR board? (not that I'm an expert on SKR boards at all, but maybe someone else is)
@Mentaluproar that's not M122 P200 like I asked
The photo is about as helpful as the description. I can't see anything.
A clear view of the wire connectors terminals.
Might even help to disassemble it and take some photos of both sides of the effector close up in case there is something visibly wrong.
I neglected my hobby for a while, sorry. here's what you guys asked for.
M122 P200 RepRapFirmware for LPC176x based Boards (biquskr_1.4) version 3.2.2_2 running on LPC176x at 120Mhz == Configurable Board.txt Settings == board = biquskr_1.4 Signature 0x12fc12f7 leds.diagnostic = NoPin stepper.enablePins = { 2.1 2.8 0.21 2.12 1.16 1.18 1.23 } stepper.stepPins = { 2.2 0.19 0.22 2.13 1.15 1.21 1.20 } stepper.directionPins = { 2.6 0.20 2.11 0.11 1.14 1.19 1.22 } stepper.digipotFactor = 0.00 stepper.TmcUartPins = { 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.4 1.1 3.25 3.26 } stepper.numSmartDrivers = 4 stepper.TmcDiagPins = { NoPin NoPin NoPin NoPin NoPin NoPin NoPin } heat.tempSensePins = { 0.25 0.24 NoPin NoPin } heat.spiTempSensorCSPins = { NoPin NoPin } heat.spiTempSensorChannel = 0 atx.powerPin = NoPin atx.powerPinInverted = false atx.initialPowerOn = true sdCard.internal.spiFrequencyHz = 25000000 sdCard.external.csPin = NoPin sdCard.external.cardDetectPin = 0.6 sdCard.external.spiFrequencyHz = 4000000 sdCard.external.spiChannel = 255 softwareSPI.pins = { NoPin NoPin NoPin } SPI3.pins = { NoPin NoPin NoPin } SSP0.pins = { 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.16 } SPI0.pins = { 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.16 } 8266wifi.espDataReadyPin = 0.28 8266wifi.lpcTfrReadyPin = 1.30 8266wifi.TfrReadyPin = 1.30 8266wifi.espResetPin = 1.31 8266wifi.serialRxTxPins = { NoPin NoPin } serial.aux.rxTxPins = { 0.3 0.2 } adc.prefilter.enable = true led.neopixelPin = NoPin == Defined Pins == e1temp,th1 = 0.23 e0temp,th0 = 0.24 bedtemp,tb = 0.25 xstop,x-stop = 1.29 ystop,y-stop = 1.28 zstop,z-stop = 1.27 e0stop,e0det = 1.26 e1stop,e1det = 1.25 pwrdet,P1.0 = 1.0 probe = 0.10 bed,hbed = 2.5 e0heat,he0 = 2.7 e1heat,he1 = 2.4 fan0,fan = 2.3 servo0 = 2.0 neopixel,P1.24 = 1.24 P1.23 = 1.23 P1.22 = 1.22 P1.21 = 1.21 P1.20 = 1.20 P1.19 = 1.19 P1.18 = 1.18 P0.28 = 0.28 P1.30 = 1.30 P1.31 = 1.31 0.18 = 0.18 P3.25 = 3.25 P0.16 = 0.16 P3.26 = 3.26 0.15 = 0.15 0.17 = 0.17 data2,P0.27 = 0.27 wifi1,P4.28 = 4.28 wifi2,P4.29 = 4.29 i2c1,P0.0 = 0.0 i2c2,P0.1 = 0.1 SPI1,P0.26 = 0.26 P0.7 = 0.7 P0.8 = 0.8 P0.9 = 0.9 P0.2 = 0.2 P0.3 = 0.3 == Hardware Serial == AUX Serial: UART 0 WIFI Serial: Disabled == Software PWM == Pin 2.5 @ 250Hz (Disabled) Pin 2.7 @ 0Hz (Disabled) Pin 2.3 @ 500Hz (Disabled) Pin 2.4 @ 500Hz (Enabled) == Hardware PWM == Hardware PWM = 50Hz [ NoPin NoPin NoPin NoPin NoPin NoPin ]
@Phaedrux I tried feeding 24v directly to the HF connectors and it still wouldn't light or spin the fan.
Confirmed my suspicion by ordering another effector. The first was defective. Same wiring, the new one works.
Well that solves it. When and where did you purchase the smart effector?