CNC making up its own home?
Hey O all I've had a problem with settings up my CNC the past couple of days which has now culminated in a driver chip been burnt out. To make things clear I use a Buffalo CNC machine 1500 x 1500 and been using an Ooznest software set up as the machine mimics Ooznest shape and design. Intially I got the machine to home but it concerned me that the trigger stop switches were been unresponsive even when triggered. I also confirmed on the console that said switches were triggering. Intially I though this to be odd but it wasn't going out of bounds so thought I'd get back to it and just try a small g- code program. Alien face I think it was just to double check that all the axis were working. Intiall it didn't what to do it because of a G40 code I think it was but an number of forms just said delete it it then said it was out of bounds which I didn't understand I've got one of the largest machines you can buy and it's in the centre of the work area so I decided to see what would happen if I told it to ignore the home function. I did and it moved then some grinding happened and I emergency stopped I reset all the codes and thought that's it for the day I'll just home it then it's out the way for next time. It didn't home or more precisely it homed in the wrong place. It raised the Z axis as it should do then shuffled the y away from the home. I did this a few times before realising this conclusion that it was resetting the home. I can confirm all axies drivers are or we're working as I moved the machine over and down to me for a closer inspection then the z axis driver sparked and bubbled? I'm suspecting this is a software issue just not sure what it is if I need to redo the firm ware please link for me any instructional material for the duet 2 ethernet as that's the replacement I've ordered as I'll probably be using the same flash card for it from the old one any help is appreciated.
Can you post your config files? We need to see the gcode files to know what it is doing. Config.g, homing macros, etc.
Also post the results of M122 and M98 P"config.g".