RepPanel - A DIY alternative to the PanelDue with WiFi support
This currently only works with boards in standalone mode
@Sindarius Can this be adapted to work in CNC mode? I would prefer this interface to the paneldue to control my workbee
@chimaeragh The DWC-CNC itself should not have anything to do with this. This is a separate interface that others are working on. It is quite slick though
Maybe whoever is working on this effort can look at making a version of it focused around a CNC, would be quite slick.
@chimaeragh As Sindarius already stated: RepPanel is self contained and runs on the ESP32.
Sadly I do not have the time or motivation to make a port for CNC applications. CNCs require quiet a lot more manual control over the heads position. I also think that because of that a bigger display (coupled with a more powerfull MCU) would be adequate which probably requires a complete rewirte of the code.
Hi there @PCR any boards pcb boards left ?
yes 18x or so
Oh cool, I would be interested in one!
Is there some kind of dedicated page documenting the things I would need to get it running. I'm running the Duet 3 v1.01
Hi there @PCR I am interested on a set = (PCB, GPIO Headers + ESP32), send me payment details — shipping to NYC 10023.
Also, I might have missed it—where is the repo for the firmware? I am building a PCB making printer (trace, solder paste & drill) that requires some modification to GUI.
@carlos_lema said in RepPanel - A DIY alternative to the PanelDue with WiFi support:
Also, I might have missed it—where is the repo for the firmware? I am building a PCB making printer (trace, solder paste & drill) that requires some modification to GUI.
The link was in the first note -- but not necessarily obvious as a link:
@JohnOCFII Much appreciated!
Has anyone successfully running the Reppanel at a Duet3?
I experienced the following problem. The display doesn't start (applying 24V to the Duet) when connected to the 5V supplied by the Duet - in my case just the connector IO_0.
When I reset the Lolin32 afterwards with it's reset button it works immediately like expected. When I plug/unplug the connector IO_0 it starts as well.
I can reproduce this with a spare Duet3 just supplying 24V and Reppanel connected.It must have something to to with the rising 5V voltage of the Duet and the power on reset of the Lolin. The board just doesn't reset properly at boot-up.
I fixed it by applying 10uF to extend the time constant of the R-C combination for boot-up reset. Former 10k+1uF->0.01s, now 10k+10uF->0.1s.
Now it starts like it should...Now my question - is there already a software reset at start-up or could an additional software reset be implemented?
@Nellor Nice investigation!
I did not implement a software reset on startup. Maybe the ESP-Firmware does one. Should be no problem adding one additionally.
If you want a quick fix try adding:esp_restart()
somewhere here. That should not slow down the boot time too much.
I finally finished and published my RepPanel case. I used this as a good time to learn a bit about FreeCAD. The FreeCAD design file is included in the Thing.
@pcr tried to PM you, but maybe I'm stupid and can only find the chat option, or have not enough privilige as a new user to PM.
So I wanted to ask if you got a PCB left to ship to me. Please contact me. Thanks!I also looked for the correct option for ordering the display and would aks someone to confirm this is correct. See attached picture. Thanks!
@izeman said in RepPanel - A DIY alternative to the PanelDue with WiFi support:
I'm stupid and can only find the chat option, or have not enough privilige as a new user to PM.
Not stupid at all. The chat option is the PM option.
@phaedrux Can someone please help me in regards to the display options so I can order? So I can order.
Thanks PCR. This is much appreciated, and for sure will help others in the future as well. Now I can order with confidence
@seeul8er, can you make this firmware running on this hardware (esp32, 3.5", capacitive touch) ? It's not cheap but may be a simple solution for people that don't want to mess with electronics.
BTW, the price of TFT screens went up significantly due to the global semiconductor shortage.
@zapta I know the touchdown project. As far as hardware is concerned it should work just fine. You will need to re-configure the SPI-Pins (meaning you will need to recompile the project).
I have some ideas on a custom board but found no time to get familiar with electronics design, yet.