Bltouch oddity
What i mean is that the probe will stop probing. It will work a few times, then stop responding.
Wow that's convoluted. M3D really went all out.
@BjornH said in Bltouch oddity:
speed changes/jerk
One of the errors is from that file. You're missing a
in front of the comment text.I don't see anything obvious in the configs that would interfere with the BLTouch.
What's in your homeall? That's the only macro we're still missing.
Send code...
Tool Position
Extruder Drives
Drive 0
Drive 1
Requested Speed
8 mm/s
Top Speed
8 mm/s
23.3 V
MCU Temperature
43.9 C
Control All
Tool Heater Current Active Standby
T1 - Load Filament Heater 2
active 235.3 C
Clay extruder
T2 - Load Filament n/a n/a
Bed Heater 0
active 60.3 C
Temperature Chart
System Directory
; homex.g
; called to home the X axis
; October 4, 2018; same as homey.g because of coreXY
; Front left corner is (0,0); ============= PRE-HOMING =====================
; Ignore Machine boundaries
M564 H0 S0; Turn off bed leveling during homing
G29 S2 ; Does the same as M561!; Switch to Origin Tool
T0; Relative positioning
G91g1 x-5
; Provide Z height clearance
G1 Z10 F750 S1; ================== HOME Y ============================
; Rapid Y until limit switch triggers
G0 Y450 F1500 S1; Back off to release limit switch
G0 Y-6 F1500; Slow advance to trigger limit switch
G0 Y10 F120 S1; ============= HOME X ====================
; Rapid X until limit switch triggers
G0 X450 F1500 S1; Back off to release limit switch
G0 X-6 F1500; Slow advance to trigger limit switch
G0 X10 F120 S1; Move away from the limit switch, to prevent damage to it upon next move
G0 X-12 F1500; Set this location as X = 380mm
G92 X340; Move the gantry slightly away from back of printer, to allow travel past the bolt mounting the gantry bracket
G0 Y-10 F1200; Set this location as Y = 384mm
G92 Y315; ============ Post-Homing ==============
; Revert to absolute coordinates
G90; Re-enable mesh leveling
;G29 S1M98 Pmachine_axisdimension.g ; Set Axes Limits
; Stop movement across limits, enable boundaries, homing requirement
M564 H1 S1Promega
Send code...
Tool Position
Extruder Drives
Drive 0
Drive 1
Requested Speed
8 mm/s
Top Speed
8 mm/s
23.9 V
MCU Temperature
43.8 C
Control All
Tool Heater Current Active Standby
T1 - Load Filament Heater 2
active 234.4 C
Clay extruder
T2 - Load Filament n/a n/a
Bed Heater 0
active 60.1 C
Temperature Chart
System Directory
; homey.g
; called to home the Y axis
;; Same as homex.g because of coreXY
; Front left is (0,0)M98 Phomex.g
; homez.g
; called to home the Z axis
;; ============= PRE-HOMING =====================
; Ignore Machine boundaries
M564 H0 S0; Turn off bed leveling during homing
G29 S2 ; Does the same as M561!
G29 S2 ; Do it twice because once just isn't enough; Switch to Origin Tool
T0; Relative positioning
G91; Provide Z height clearance
G1 Z10 F750 S1; ============ HOME Z ==============
; Rapid Z until limit switch triggers
G0 Z450 F1500 S1; Back off to release limit switch
G0 Z-15 F1500; Slow advance to trigger limit switch
G0 Z20 F120 S1M98 Pmachine_zendstop.g ; Set Z Endstop height
M98 Pmachine_zprobe.g ; Set Z Probe distance; ============ Post-Homing ==============
; Revert to absolute coordinates
G90; Re-enable mesh leveling
;G29 S1M98 Pmachine_axisdimension.g ; Set Axes Limits
; Stop movement across limits, enable boundaries, homing requirement
M564 H1 S1 -
@BjornH said in Bltouch oddity:
M98 Pmachine_zendstop.g ; Set Z Endstop height
M98 Pmachine_zprobe.g ; Set Z Probe distanceOk now how bout these ones so we can see what it's doing to home z?
Send code...
Tool Position
Extruder Drives
Drive 0
Drive 1
Requested Speed
8 mm/s
Top Speed
8 mm/s
23.3 V
MCU Temperature
43.7 C
Control All
Tool Heater Current Active Standby
T1 - Load Filament Heater 2
active 234.9 C
Clay extruder
T2 - Load Filament n/a n/a
Bed Heater 0
active 60.1 C
Temperature Chart
System Directory
; machine_zendstop.g
; June 29, 2018; IMPORTANT: should you drop the bed or skip a tooth, this value might change and has to be recalibrated!!!
; This file sets the Z position of the Z end stop. It is used to determine the height of the build volume.
; If this value is incorrect, you either have a nozzle that drags on the bed or is too far from the bed that
; the filament won't stick to the surface. It is the single most important file to get right so do spend
; some time verifying the Z position after making changes here.; Instructions
; 1. Home All
; 2. Disable the bed mesh with G29 S2 twice
; 3. Run G1 X200 Y200 Z20 F1500
; 4. Manually jog the bed up using the <Z-10 to <Z-0.1 using smaller steps as you get close to the nozzle
; 5. Have bed touching the nozzle, do not leave a gap. If you can't reach the nozzle, estimate how far the
; bed is from the nozzle and add that value to the Z value in the G92 command below and start over.
; 6. Record your Z height number as shown in the DWC Machine Status Head Position Window
; 7. Calculate the new Z value for the G92 command below:
; If your Z value was positive, subtract the value from the current Z value in the G92 command below.
; Example: If the measured Z value of the bed touching the nozzle was 2.5 and the current Z value was
; 376.4, the new Z value would be 376.4 - 2.5 = 373.9
; Don't forget to set the Max Z value in machine_axisdimension.g to 374; If your Z value was negative, add the value to the current Z value in the G92 command below.
; Example: If the measured Z value of the bed touching the nozzle was -0.7 and the current Z value was
; 376.4, the new Z value would be 376.4 + 0.7 = 377.1
; Don't forget to set the Max Z value in machine_axisdimension.g to 378; If your Z value was 0, congratulations, no changes to this file are needed.
; 8. Re-enable your bed leveling compensation with G29 S1
; Set this location as Z = 376.4mm (Normally the Default Factory Number for Compound)
;G92 Z376.6 ; With glass bed and Compoundendstop should be disabled
; machine_probe.g
; June 29, 2018; This document tells the printer which Z probe to use and what the offsets of that probe are.
; For X and Y offset, use a caliper and measure the distance between the center of the nozzle
; and the part of the probe that measures the bed.
; If the probe is to the right of the nozzle, the X value is positive
; If the probe is to the left of the nozzle, the X value is negative
; If the probe is behind the nozzle, the Y value is positive
; If the probe is in front of the nozzle, the Y value is negative; To select which probe to use, comment / uncomment ONE of the two M558 lines below.
; Determine the Probe Z Offset:
; 1. Heat the bed to 60C and the nozzle to 150C
; 2. Move the head near the center with G1 X200 Y200
; 3. Move the bed near the nozzle with G1 Z20
; 4. Disable the bed mesh with G29 S2, do this twice
; 5. Move the bed in small steps so it just touches the nozzle, 1mm steps first, then 0.1mm steps
; 6. Set the Z0 position with G92 Z0
; 7. Move the bed back to Z20, with G1 Z20
; 8. Deploy the probe if necessary
; 9. Get the Z Probe value with G30 S-1
; 10. Note the Z value in the Web UI and update it in the G31 Z parameter below
; 11. Put the Z probe away if necessary; Toggle by uncommenting, depending on preference
; M558 P1 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F120 T5000 ; Set Z probe type -- Enable IR_PROBE
; M558 P4 I1 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T5000 ; Set Z probe type -- Enable LIMIT SWITCH
M558 P9 H5 F100 T2000; Remember to update your Z-probe offset with the Z parameter below
; Follow this guide or the instructions above:
; G31 P450 X30.4 Y30.7 Z10 ; Set Z probe (IR) trigger value and offset
; G31 P999 X-42 Y31 Z15.0 ; Set Z probe (Metrol switch) trigger value, offset
G31 P9 X30 Y-5 Z3.6 ; Set Z probe (limit switch) trigger value, offset -
I have yet cleaned up all the files from M3D yet, as i have been strugling just to get this piece to work correctly. Bltouch to work optimal will be last piece
I can't see anything in there that should cause the bltouch to stop, but it's a bit hard to follow.
For troubleshooting I would suggest generating a basic config using the web configurator and see if you can get it working with a basic config. If it works, then you know it was a config problem. If it still has the same problem then it's a BLtouch hardware problem. Either the probe itself or the wiring.
Thank you for looking into it, i will clean up the files and try the configurator.
- Update to those who may have the same problem.
I can now confirm this is a wiring problem, as the dupont connection/wire is very bad.
After several tries and then squeezing the cable more onto the bltouch it suddenly worked fine again.
yes as i said earlier, the extension wire is causing a lot of headaches. -
@Veti I will swap out all, but i think the main problem is in the dupont connector itself, i will open it and tighten the connectors.
just swap to a different connector.
these are the ones i use for small wires
I have a CR10 that does this too. Once in a while, like every 20 prints or so the bltouch simply checks out and goes on vacation for the initial home. Gives a message about already triggered but the Duet isn’t bothered by probe drives the Z into the bed until I stop it. Never fails during the 81 probe mesh, just the initial home. I’ve changed the BLTouch, swapped a new wire to the daughterboard then ditched it altogether and ran a new wire all the way to the Duet. Still does it with the same seldom frequency.
Though I have changed all of it, I get that it could still be a BLTouch issue or a wiring issue and have nothing to do with the Duet but the firmware should halt the Z when it knows the probe has failed. I find it odd that it doesn’t, though it is entirely possible I just haven’t found how to make it do so yet.
@TampaPrinter I have not corrected my fault yet, since i have to dissasemble my extruder. I belive the problem lays in the pins (dupont) connection to the bltouch as they are not thight enough
Though I have changed all of it, I get that it could still be a BLTouch issue or a wiring issue and have nothing to do with the Duet but the firmware should halt the Z when it knows the probe has failed. I find it odd that it doesn’t, though it is entirely possible I just haven’t found how to make it do so yet.
You can check for BLTouch sensor error before probing to detect some errors.
if sensors.probes[0].value[0]!=1000 ; if probe is not in error state M291 P"BLTouch ready to use" S1 T2 G30