After Micro swiss DD upgrade,Extruder skips steps
can you reduce the e steps by 10% and try again?
@Veti no problem
with which temperature,what do you mean ?
any and see if that improves the stringing -
I have print by 215°C
Retract distance 1.5mm
Retract speed: 35mm/s -
what slicer are you using?
@Veti i use Simplify3d
@Veti soo
after i watch the Video and take the Profile from the Video, i have no stringing but little gaps or ooze i dont know what it is ?!
Edit: With Layer height: 0.2,215°C i have no stringing
with layer height 0.16,215°C again a lot of stringingwhat cause this problem ?
After a second try with 200°C i have a lot of stringing
how confident are you in your e steps?
M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z800.00 E139.19 ; set steps per mm
marlins default for the ender 5 is 93.
i have the Micro swiss Direct Drive, micro swiss gives me a start steps about 130 with 1.8 angle motor.
but since Saturday i have the E3d 0.9 Angle motor and after calibrate the Esteps i have E277.89
can you print with cura or prusaslicer?
@Veti yes of course i have both
i try now prusa slicer alpha2
the curling at the base suggests to me that you are printing to hot
@Phaedrux said in After Micro swiss DD upgrade,Extruder skips steps:
double checking your extruder calibration.
@Phaedrux Extruder was Calibrated yesterday all fine 110mm messured and 100mm was forward.
@Veti i think i have solved it !
i have a all Metal hotend from micro swiss and it was recommended to increase temperatur 5-10°C so i have tested it with 222°C and i have no stringing just a little bit but its ok.what i can print now to check if its all ok with my setup ?
I have a 0.4 Nozzle which Extrusion Widht did i take ? in some how to and youtube Videos they say take EW: 0.45 another Video says take 0.48 Etrusion Widht, its a little bit confusing
@Veti thats the benchy
Can i make somrhing better ? This was printer with prusaslucer 2.3.0 alpha 2
If you need slicer configi got this error with prusaslicer and duet wifi
Attempting to extrude with no tool selected
Setting temperature: no tool selectedi must heating up manual is there a fix ?
@lui2004 said in After Micro swiss DD upgrade,Extruder skips steps:
Attempting to extrude with no tool selected
Add a T0 to the start g code