Created small how-to on Duex5 - 12v Switching Regulator for LED
I wrote a small post on using the Build in 12v Switching Regulator on 24v System on a Duex5 to power/control LEDs.
It can obviously be used for other things, but the main point is how to use this feature, written in a basic non-technical fashion, making it useable for everyone to get started.I put it on Instructables here, where they featured it! use my blog as a sort of draft-posts for instructables, where I put together and boil down the posts in the end, and put on instructables've inserted the small post here for easy usage by people:
Use Duex5 to get 12v
Jumper settings
Configure LED in firmware
Further customization options
All done
[h]Use Duex5 to get 12v[/h]
As far as I know the Duex5 (also in Duex2) is the only Controller or Expansions -board for 3D Printers with build-in 12v switching regulator, which means you can easily get 12v even if you use a higher voltage to power your machine (VIN Power - opens Duet3d Glossary) without having to restort to various step-down modules lying around in or outside your printer creating potential for shorts and other errors.
[h]Jumper Settings[/h]
In order to activate this 12v switching we need to:
Put a jumper on the pins marked with nr. 1
Check the FAN jumper nr. 2 is placed on the 12v position
I'm going to use the FAN3 Connector marked with nr. 3 for my LEDs
In case you have difficulty seeing the colors as me, being colorblind, the + wire is to the right side of the 2-pin connector, and - wire on the left side.
Image is part of the original conenctions diagram on Duet3D wiki.
You can also see the full diagram here:
[h]Configure LED in firmware[/h]
We really just need to open the Config.g file and insert a small line under the other fans in our FAN section, like this:
[[language]] M106 P3 S1; Set fan 3 value for our LED to on. ```It really just put FAN connector 3 on full power. Further customization options We can put the power to the LEDs on half (dimming it) by setting S to 0.5 instead of 1, or use the 0-255 range if that's more to your liking. It also means you can control it using Gcodes to do different things like turning LED on when a print starts and turn it off when a print job ends or what ever you like. [h]All done[/h] Here you can see the new jumper on nr 1, set jumper on nr 2 and our LED connector on nr. 3 [](
Great thanks! I will add it to the tutorial section of the wiki
Nice set of stuff on your blog too - great ideas. I like 'overengineered'
Great thanks! I will add it to the tutorial section of the wiki
Working on a similar post about BLTouch for us electronics-component and datasheet -morons -
Nice set of stuff on your blog too - great ideas. I like 'overengineered'
The BeTrue3D Printer is what I call a concept printer where everything is rather much overkill or at least some of the best I could scrape together. -
Thanks for clarifying when I looked at the schematic I actually wasn't sure if I need jumper in the pin you circled as number 1 to use the built in 12v. Now I know thx i think the schematic could use more clarification on that 12v jumper
Really good staff on your blog. thanks for sharing
BTW, the Replicape also have an onboard 12V regulator, for fans, so you can use a 24V power supply for motors.