Problem setting the Z-Offset, BLTOUCH, RRF 3.1.1
M913 is used in homex and homey after X and Y movements, but not Z movements. Probably not a problem for the Z positions. But M400 before would be better to be sure.
One big thanks to you sir!
Problem solved, it was the pullup resistor setting, everything working normally now....
It was strange because it was deploying the probe and measuring, only the measurements were a bit random...Now my bed does not look like a black hole anymore....
That's good news! Have fun with printing.
@JoergS5 My happiness was not long... It was ok for a while but after I was trying to get the right z-offset it started doing it again... When I do G29 it just draws the height map under the X Y Z grid with a big offset. At this point I am running out of ideas. The printer is mechanically solid, everything seems to be working ok except the mesh compensation / z-offset which is behaving a bit random. Also the G32 true bed leveling (bed.g) seems to be doing some compensation each time I run it.... Maybe it has something to do with...
@omni is it the same height map (below 0, not even) which you had 3 days before?
@omni If it is working for 3 days and then start making trouble again, one important possible reason would be an electrical contact which was corrected 3 days before (due to the testing/searching error) and after some printing and vibrations, the connection was lost again. You should check for cable breaks and defect crimping/cold soldering connections.
Is there anything you changes while making G29, like bed heating?
When you made the G29, please make a M122 also and show it.
To discuss what could be wrong, I need to see some images from the printer: the print bed, the nozzle and BLTouch, and maybe the Z axis setup (stepper, coupling, spindle).
@JoergS5 Thanks for your time man, I really appreciate it.
Here is the image of the mesh :
Not much was changed, I added a laser filament monitor (but that shouldn't be a problem) and also added an additional 40mm fan to cool the extruder since the stepper motor is encapsulated in the carriage so I was afraid it may be overheating.
As for the config.g the only I was mainly changing is the z-offset since I cannot seem to get the first layer at the correct height. One thing that is really bothering me is that G32 (true bed leveling) is doing adjustments each time I run it... even when the printer was not turned off.
Another thing I have tried is the z-probe repeatability macro and the deviation from the mean last time was 0.005, so it is working. I also set the following line for thr Bltouch :
M558 P9 C"^" H5 F300 T6000 A4 S.0.03
Images of the printer:
It seems that something in my homing routine is screwing up the leveling mesh.
When I do G32 and then G29 without homing - it very different :
But when I do homing (G28) and then (G29) it goes all the way below the grind no matter what my z-offset for the probe is.
Now on the new graph you can see that my Z0 is way too high since I was trying to compensate with the z-offset to see what will happen, but it seems that the G28 is screwing it up for some reason.....
Do you maybe have the stock versions of homex.g homey.g homez.g and homeall.g so I can try to replace mine with the default ones?
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For tilt correction to work well you first need to ensure the bed itself is actually level in relation to the frame. To do this you might need to manaully adjust the gantry relative to the top bar and then level the bed to that. going forward the tilt correction should be good after a few passes so you might need to do G32 2 or 3 times to get it to converge.
Also, for your homez, you should probe the center of the bed, not a corner.
G1 X0 Y0 F6000 ; go to first probe point
G30 ; home Z by probing the bedAlso, slow your bltouch probing down a bit.