MIDI to G-Code
I just saw this nice tool:
but I have some issues: when I play the resulting G-Code on the web site, it works fine, but some notes are missing on the Duet.
Does anyone has this issue?
@fma said in MIDI to G-Code:
but some notes are missing on the Duet.
In Duet web control of panelDue?
Had mixed results with DWC but panelDue doesn't skip a beat as far as I can tell.
Share g-code?
I uploaded the midi/gcode file as a macro, and asked Duet to run it through PanelDue...
Here is Mario:
M300 P153 S659 G4 P153 M300 P149 S659 G4 P149 M300 P148 S0 G4 P148 M300 P148 S659 G4 P148 M300 P154 S0 G4 P154 M300 P149 S523 G4 P149 M300 P148 S659 G4 P148 M300 P149 S0 G4 P149 M300 P154 S784 G4 P154 M300 P446 S0 G4 P446 M300 P154 S392 G4 P154 M300 P452 S0 G4 P452 M300 P154 S523 G4 P154 M300 P298 S0 G4 P298 M300 P148 S392 G4 P148 M300 P304 S0 G4 P304 M300 P148 S330 G4 P148 M300 P303 S0 G4 P303 M300 P149 S440 G4 P149 M300 P149 S0 G4 P149 M300 P150 S494 G4 P150 M300 P154 S0 G4 P154 M300 P149 S466 G4 P149 M300 P149 S440 G4 P149 M300 P151 S0 G4 P151 M300 P103 S392 G4 P103 M300 P100 S0 G4 P100 M300 P100 S659 G4 P100 M300 P100 S0 G4 P100 M300 P97 S784 G4 P97 M300 P100 S0 G4 P100 M300 P154 S880 G4 P154 M300 P150 S0 G4 P150 M300 P148 S698 G4 P148 M300 P148 S784 G4 P148 M300 P154 S0 G4 P154 M300 P149 S659 G4 P149 M300 P148 S0 G4 P148 M300 P148 S523 G4 P148 M300 P154 S587 G4 P154 M300 P149 S494 G4 P149 M300 P302 S0 G4 P302 M300 P155 S523 G4 P155 M300 P298 S0 G4 P298 M300 P148 S392 G4 P148 M300 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M300 P154 S659 G4 P154 M300 P149 S523 G4 P149 M300 P148 S0 G4 P148 M300 P148 S440 G4 P148 M300 P154 S392 G4 P154 M300 P446 S0 G4 P446 M300 P154 S523 G4 P154 M300 P149 S523 G4 P149 M300 P148 S0 G4 P148 M300 P148 S523 G4 P148 M300 P154 S0 G4 P154 M300 P149 S523 G4 P149 M300 P148 S587 G4 P148 M300 P148 S659 G4 P148 M300 P1200 S0 G4 P1200 M300 P154 S523 G4 P154 M300 P149 S523 G4 P149
suppose the specific midi file for comparison would be good, almost feels like there are gaps here and there.
come think if it midi would allow chords (or whatever they call "parallell" notes), the duet would struggle replicating that and the conversion would have to make compromises
rrf2.05.1 wifi 1.23
paneldue 1.23.2 -
Midi file is here: http://www.mariopiano.com/midi-sound-file-overworld-main-theme.html
I selected the track 2. The thing is it works fine when previewed in the web tool; I guess it reads the gcode, and not the midi, as you can only preview after generating the file...
I've previously only tested shorter sequences, maybe 8-10 lines and the duet 2 with paneldue was always working, while the duet 3 with dwc skipped a lot of them.
I'll poke the midi file when i'm bored and compare it.
i'm no beethoven but can't detect any difference between the streamable video and previewing track2 in the web tool (admittedly i cut the video short, but )
Yes, the preview in the webtool is OK; but once uploaded on the Duet, the music is not OK anymore... The
@bearer said in MIDI to G-Code:
play this side by side the preview and see if you can tell a difference? i didn't go to the step of making videos of both to sync the audio to say left and right. in any case it was mostly meant as a "this is what is sounds like on my paneldue"
It seems to works fine on your Duet; I can ear missing notes in this small part, on mine... I'll dig further tomorrow to see what notes make problems.
no worries, it shouldn't make a difference but it was an 7i pandeldue (with a slightly MacGyver fix on the buzzer. can try an older regular 4.3 later, but with the same firmware i expect them to do the same thing.
I just tested your mario code on my older V2 PanelDue and it ran fine. I couldn't get it to play over DWC and can't disconnect the PanelDue without some dissaembly.
Here's another version of the mario theme that's even faster that plays perfectly as well.
This file has even more missing notes... Looks like a com issue between the Duet and the PanelDue, don't you think? Is there a checksum used for this com? Some commands seem to be drop...
@fma said in MIDI to G-Code:
Is there a checksum used for this com
there is, could be a possible factor. shorter cable or lower baud rate are simple tests. i used the supplied 1 meter or so cable for the 7i test (i did twist the pairs a little just to tidy it up a little)
also took a stab at recording the preview but computer failed badly at recording its own audio (at least using the win10/xbox game thing)
@fma Can you provide a video of how it's playing on your end?
I am also using the 4 wire cable. It's about 1.2 to 1.5 meter long and I've braided the wires as it runs alongside some motor wiring.
Ok, I'll do that. My cable is 1m long, and I also twisted the wires. I will try to use a shielded cable.
@fma said in MIDI to G-Code:
I will try to use a shielded cable.
trying lower baud rate may be simpler as a test?
How do I do that?
It does not seem to work: as soon as I change the baudrate, the PanelDue is unable to communicate with the Duet...