Duet 2 WiFi with RepRap on CR-20 Pro
I just picked up a Creality CR-20 Pro and after some research I became interested in regards to upgrading the board and firmware to run the machine.
Question, has anyone had any luck running the Duet 2 WiFi with the RepRap firmware on the CR-20 Pro? It seems to be almost the same as the Ender 3, but with a couple minor differences. I did some searching, but it seems the CR-20 isn't used by many people.
Thanks in advance!
seems close to the ender 3.
the lcd will not work and you will have to see for yourself if the board would fit inside the case.
Here's a series of guides that take an Ender 3 Pro and upgrade it with a Duet Maestro.
It won't be exactly the same, but it should be a useful outline on how an upgrade would be done. It goes through commissioning and testing as well as basic tuning.