Hi Everyone!
I'm new here, my name is Mike
I've bought Mellow All Metal NF-Crazy Plus Hotend a few months ago - it is copper heater block version.
then I realised myself that lot of Ypeople got problem with this mosquito clone, so I designed my own body to rise efficiency of heat brake - so Ive made a laminar flow funnel for mellow radiator and now I can use mosquito type mini fan and still can print PLA, then I designed another laminar flow body so now I can mount cheap chinese fan 30x30x10 and the performance of this setup is so good that I can rise PLA temp on hotend as high as 250 C and print it as slow as i need - I have made a test so I rised temp to 240 degrees of celsius and left it on idle for 15minutes without printing then I send command to extrude this melted PLA and .... all was ok - no problem with clogging - I have repeated this test many times and never got problem with extruding PLA even with so HIGH temp setting as 240 - 250 C at the heater block.
My printer is anycybic i3 Mega 8bit board with silent steppers no mods heavy mods - and now with this hotend i can print with speed 180 mm/s easy.
I've posted this info because I thought that will have a real problem with this mosquito clone regarding all issues found here and there on 3D printing forums so I didn't try to use it as it was designed and made my own setup to check if it is really as bad as people say - and cannot confirm it - my setup works REALLY GOOD, if You want me to send some pictures or record video how it stands high temp with PLA without any problem just let me know.

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RE: mellow nf crazy hotend