Hi, I fitted a D3DWifi to my Ender3 and I don't know if I have it configured correctly, but I have a weird issue printing.
I'm printing with Cura4.2.1 but I've tried 3.6.0 and have the same issue (but less clearly as the profile is for the CR10 and a little messy).
My printer is modified with "direct drive" (really a short bowden - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3373107)
If I print a stringing test https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2219103 then the result looks pretty good.
I have retraction set to 1mm@25mm/s, Prime 50mm/s, but i still get this if i turn retraction off.
Coasting is switched off (makes no odds)
I have Pressure Advance set with M572 D0 S0.250, but this seems to make no odds.
At the start of a extrusion there just appears to be a section where the extrusion doesn't happen, or if it does it grossly under extrudes. I can move this one around the print by changing the z-seam

Here you can see it on the top of left starting the external wall, and not so obviously at the bottom right starting the inner wall.

Finally, here you can see it so pronounced that you can peer through all layers of the wall and into the infill

I'm stumped, any ideas?