@oozeBot - thanks for the picture - literally worth a 1000 words....
PS: I have a very similar setup too!

Posts made by Wally
RE: How big a 5v power supply needed for Duet 3 and RPI4?
RE: How big a 5v power supply needed for Duet 3 and RPI4?
Ahh, thank you - yes this is a good question..
So, the big question is where else can we connect 5 VDC input to the Duet 3 if "EXT 5V" is consumed for PSON (power supply on)? In my case, applying 5 VDC here would power the solid state relay and defeat the PSON feature.
Currently, I power the Duet 3 via the micro USB connector (5 VDC) - is this they only work around? I'm not keen on soldering stuff to the expensive Duet 3 board.
RE: How big a 5v power supply needed for Duet 3 and RPI4?
@oozeBot - Thank you for the help. I'm using that currently to control a solid state relay to power on/off 120VAC input to my main power supply. So explains my confusion...
RE: How big a 5v power supply needed for Duet 3 and RPI4?
@CaLviNx - which connector are you using for "external 5v in socket" ?
I'm having trouble locating this connection in the diagram here, https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet_3_Mainboard_6HC_Wiring_Diagram#main -
RE: RRF3 seems to ignore PrusaSlicer Acceleration Control
@dc42 - thank you for the note, the F parameter is indeed in the M563 notes but is buried in the text, probably why I missed that. Can the gcode note be updated in the Wiki to make this more noticeable? That note / coding isn't formatted like other examples in the text. Something like this?
M563 P0 D0 H1 F0:1 ; tool 0 uses extruder drive 0 and heater 1. Fan 0 and Fan 1 are mapped to tool 0
RE: RRF3 seems to ignore PrusaSlicer Acceleration Control
@OwenD - Looking at your "G10 S" code, it should be "G10 P0 S" where "P0" is the tool/extruder being used, this could be harder for folks with multiple extruders, so if you are using more than one extruder, the Python script will need additional edits to seek and correct for each tool.
Also, while looking at & trying your Python code, I found these changes to get the gcode edited, probably the way Python handles variables.
f = open(sys.argv[1],"r") filedata = f.read() f.close() newdata = filedata.replace("M104 S","G10 P0 S") newdata1 = newdata.replace("M204 S","M204 P") newdata2 = newdata1.replace("M106 S","M106 P0 S") newdata3 = newdata2.replace("M107","M106 P0 S0") f = open(sys.argv[1],"w") f.write(newdata3) f.close()
RE: RRF3 seems to ignore PrusaSlicer Acceleration Control
@OwenD - Thanks!
I've also found that Prusa Slicer doesn't handle layer cooling fans in RRF, missing the tool number, in my case "P0" but depending on your setup these may change to something different.
So depending on what tool # you have for your cooling fan you may want to add something like this after line 12 in your Python script.
newdata = filedata.replace("M106 S","M106 P0 S") newdata = filedata.replace("M107","M106 P0 S0")
RE: Duet3+SBC print stops - DWC unresponsive -
@BryanH Thanks for the details. Suggest changing your main board jumpers and power the Pi independently (separate power source like an AC adapter) to see if that helps resolve.
RE: Bed surface for (vinyl) cutting?
Have you tried using a Cricut cutting mat ?
My wife uses a Cricut and the mats last a long time and have a low tack adhesive to hold your cutting material (paper, vinyl, gasket material) while the knife passes around the path. -
RE: Duet3+SBC print stops - DWC unresponsive -
How are you powering the SBC (Raspberry Pi)?
I saw similar happenings powering the Pi from the 6HC Main board. Changing the main board jumpers to not power the Pi and using a wall wart to power the Pi separately resolved my issues.
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
@chrishamm - finally figured this out. I was using 5V from the 6HC mainboard to power my display. During power off with M81, the 5V line voltage to the display would vary a lot (enough to cause the problems seen). Connecting the display to a separate (dedicated) 5V power source has eliminated the problem reliably. Probably should have used an O-Scope to quantify the variation; however, the cleaner power clears up the display.
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
@chrishamm Follow up, verified that if a mouse is attached to the Raspberry Pi USB port, the re-zoom happens, confirmed with 3 different mfg of USB mouse (or mice?) . No mouse - no re-sizing or zooming ...
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
@chrishamm I have a work around; however, it makes me ask what was done "to disable manual zoom so double-clicks on cell phones don't cause any zoom" ?
My work around, use:
AND disconnect my USB mouse & USB Keyboard connected to the Pi. Then power on the system & boot, and DWC start, then connect mouse and keyboard. After doing that, the zoom problem doesn't appear. The 7" display with touch screen appear to be setup for touch screen, larger scroll bar, buttons, etc.
Does your tests include using a USB Mouse & Keyboard? -
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
@chrishamm here you go:
Note the screen zoom didn't happen with RRF 3.x Release candidates up to #10, I jumped from 10 to 3.1.0, and then the current release 3.1.1
I had installed xscreensaver with
sudo apt install xscreensaver
But uninstalled xscreensaver it when this started happening.
No change after uninstall.my config.g file:
; 2020-05-15 MK9 Default Setup ; General preferences G90 ; send absolute coordinates... M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves ; Network Settings M550 P"duet3pi" ; set printer name M551 P"password" ; set printer password M555 P1 ; set compatibility to RepRap_Firmware ; Drives M569 P0.5 S0 ; X-AXIS - physical drive 5 goes backwards M569 P0.4 S1 ; Y-AXIS - physical drive 4 goes forwards M569 P0.3 S1 ; Z-AXIS - physical drive 3 goes forwards M569 P0.0 S1 ; EXTRUDER 0 - physical drive 0 goes forwards M584 X0.5 Y0.4 Z0.3 E0.0 ; set drive mapping M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 ; configure microstepping with interpolation M92 X400.00 Y400.00 Z400.00 E93.75 ; set steps per mm E was 90 M201 X2400.00 Y2400.00 Z1500.00 E1000.00 ; set accelerations (mm/s^2) M203 X7200.00 Y7200.00 Z3000.00 E1320.00 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min) M204 P1200 T1200 ; set printing and travel accelerations M566 X600.00 Y600.00 Z120.00 E120.00 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) M906 X905 Y905 Z1200 E300 I20 ; X&Y was 1010, E was 400 set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent M207 S1.8 F1800 Z0.8 ; Firmware retraction M84 S30 ; Set idle timeout, 30 sec ; Axis Limits M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; set axis minima M208 X190 Y190 Z180 S0 ; set axis maxima ; Endstops M574 X2 S1 P"!io2.in" ; configure active-low endstop for high end on X via pin !io2.in M574 Y1 S1 P"!io1.in" ; configure active-low endstop for low end on Y via pin !io1.in ; Z-Probe - Part 1 ;->> M950 S0 C"io7.out" moved to bottom ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch M950 S0 C"io7.out" ; BL Touch needs time to POST, then ; POST == Power On Self Test ; connect to the io7.out pin ; M558 P9 C"io7.in" H5 R0.5 F100 T2000 A5 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds - was M558 P9 C"io7.in" H5 R0.5 F120 T6000 A5 ; Set Z Probe to type Switch or Digital output where Z probe connector is used. Used for z only ; This sets probe type 9 for BLTouch, 120mm/min probe speed, 5mm dive height, 0.5 second pause time ; before probe move, 100mm/s travel moves between probe points, probe up to 5 times, ; or until 2 consecutive probe results match G31 P500 X0 Y37 Z1.88 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height M557 X29:161 Y95:227 S66 ; define mesh grid ; Heater 0 - Bed M308 S0 P"temp0" Y"thermistor" T114500 B4138 ; configure sensor 0 as thermistor on pin temp0 M950 H0 C"out0" T0 ; create bed heater output on out0 and map it to sensor 0 M143 H0 S120 ; set temperature limit for heater 0 to 120C M307 H0 A209.5 C558.4 D2.1 V31.0 B0 S0.7 ; PID Tune Results from M303 HO S110 command M304 P223 I6.460 D333.1 ; Bed PID Settings from Tune Results M140 H0 ; map heated bed to heater 0 ;Heater 0 model: gain 209.5, time constant 558.4, dead time 2.1, max PWM 1.00, calibration voltage 31.0, mode PID ;Computed PID parameters for setpoint change: P223.0, I6.460, D333.1 ;Computed PID parameters for load change: P223.0, I22.793, D333.1 ; Heater 1 - Extruder - MK9 M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4138 ; configure sensor 1 as thermistor on pin temp1 M950 H1 C"out1" T1 ; create nozzle heater output on out1 and map it to sensor 1 M143 H1 S265 ; set temperature limit for heater 1 to 265C M307 H1 A628.3 C305.4 D6.2 V31.0 B0 S0.4 ; PID Tune Results from M303 H1 S255 command M301 H1 P14.0 I0.323 D60.7 ; Extruder PID Settings from Tune Results ;Heater 1 model: gain 628.3, time constant 305.4, dead time 6.2, max PWM 0.40, calibration voltage 31.0, mode PID ;Computed PID parameters for setpoint change: P14.0, I0.323, D60.7 ;Computed PID parameters for load change: P14.0, I0.752, D60.7 ; Fan - Extruder - 40 mm M950 F0 C"out7" Q25000 ; create fan 0, extruder fan, on pin out7 and set its frequency M106 P0 S0 ; set fan 0 value. Thermostatic control is turned off ; Fan - Duet Board Cooling 50 mm M308 S3 Y"mcutemp" A"mcutemp" ; https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_M308_Set_or_report_sensor_parameters M950 F1 C"!out4" Q25000 ; create fan 1, Duet 3 Board fan, on pin out4 PWM use QXXX to set its frequency M106 P1 T32:45 H3 ; https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/13529/duet-3-fan-control/3 min fan start at 32C full at 45C ; Tools M563 P0 S"Extruder_0" D0 H1 F1 ; define tool 0 G10 P0 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set tool 0 axis offsets G10 P0 R0 S0 ; set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C ; Miscellaneous M911 S28.5 R29.5 P"M913 X0 Y0 G91 M83 G1 Z3 F1000" ; set voltage thresholds and actions to run on power loss ; Z-Probe - Part 2 G4 S5 ; wait 5 sec for Z-Probe, then connect to out PIN M950 S0 C"io7.out" ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch G4 S1 ; wait 1 sec M280 P0 S160 I1 ; Alarm Release BL Touch and Push-Pin UP just in case it's in alarm and deployed G4 S1 ; wait 1 sec M402
The end of print g-code:
M118 P0 S"PRINT_COMPLETE" ; announce print complete G91 ; relative positioning G1 Z+5 E-50 F1000 ; raise head 5 mm & retract the filament 50mm G90 ; absolute positioning G1 X180 F4000 ; move x axis to near home G1 Y180 F4000 ; move y axis forward M140 S0 ; turn off bed temperature M104 S0 ; turn off extruder M106 P0 S255 ; turn on cooling fan M84 ; disable motors G4 S120 ; wait 2 minutes to help cool extruder & Duet 3 Board M106 P0 S0 ; turn off cooling fan G4 S2 ; wait 2 secs M122 B0 ; sys diagnostics M81 ; turn off main power
The zoom happens on a fresh cold start after a formal/proper shutdown.
I can just power on and run this g-code (see below) and Chromium will zoom.M80 ; turn om G4 S30 ; wait 30 sec M140 S0 ; turn off bed temperature M104 S0 ; turn off extruder M106 P0 S255 ; turn on cooling fan M84 ; disable motors G4 S30 ; wait 30 sec to help cool extruder & Duet 3 Board M106 P0 S0 ; turn off cooling fan G4 S2 ; wait 2 secs M122 B0 ; sys diagnostics M81 ; turn off main power
However, after zooming, I can close Chromium, and restart DWC, and then open a new Chromium with
sudo service duetcontrolserver restart /usr/bin/launch-dwc
Launching this way, running the end code above 5 of 5 runs will not zoom. However, the terminal sends these errors:
pi@duet3pi:~ $ /usr/bin/launch-dwc --disable-quic --enable-tcp-fast-open --ppapi-flash-path=/usr/lib/chromium-browser/libpepflashplayer.so --ppapi-flash-args=enable_stagevideo_auto=0 --ppapi-flash-version= libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate [7986:7986:0522/115911.657841:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(369)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process. [8153:7:0522/115913.301810:ERROR:command_buffer_proxy_impl.cc(124)] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuChannelMsg_CreateCommandBuffer. [7929:8196:0522/115913.367552:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(632)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get: object_path= /org/freedesktop/UPower: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files [7929:8196:0522/115913.370464:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(632)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.UPower.GetDisplayDevice: object_path= /org/freedesktop/UPower: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files [7929:8196:0522/115913.384491:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(632)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.UPower.EnumerateDevices: object_path= /org/freedesktop/UPower: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files [7991:8044:0522/120017.516024:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(969)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100
Thank you for the help..
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
@chrishamm ran a couple prints and after adding the fix, the display still zooms out of control
Also DWC becomes unresponsive -
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
Thanks! 0.85 scale looks good - will run a print or two to see if this corrects things.
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
@chrishamm To confirm, this is what needs to be edited?
# If you want to make the DWC on your attached touchscreen bigger: sudo nano /usr/bin/launch-dwc # Add this at the end of the line --force-device-scale-factor=3 # You can use fractions, like 2.5. Change and reboot until it looks good to you.
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
Can you give a little more detail on changing the Chromium start script? The details here https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/13693/duet-3-pi-hdmi-touchscreen/6?_=1590147732853 are kind of cryptic as to that method. Will edit accordingly. Thanks.
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
@chrishamm I resize the web interface manually using a mouse and keyboard by holding the keyboard control button and scrolling the mouse wheel a couple clicks. The slightly smaller size allows the 7" Pi display to provide more information.
As far as starting Chromium I'm full stock no changes to the command line. I do get a notice that Chromium needs an update, but shouldn't apt-get update/apt-get upgrade cover that?
RE: DWC Interface to SBC resizing with M81 or ATX off
Here is a video of the problem in action, notice how the display goes bonkers....
https://youtu.be/Bf8oHw876Kg?t=60This when my end G-Code executes the M81 command to turn off the main power supply.
Sometimes restarting the DCS will not recover (this includes web clients accessing the Pi remotely) and the whole system has to be powered down and then back on.