@mrehorstdmd sent

Posts made by virgosystems
RE: Is a 1ftx1ftx2ft build volume doable with a hotbed?
@mrehorstdmd how much spare time do you have? I have a business proposal you may find interesting.
RE: Hardware suppliers for custom build
@zapta thanks so much for this. Strategically, I'm trying to stick with Amazon mainly for the return policy.
RE: Is a 1ftx1ftx2ft build volume doable with a hotbed?
@mrehorstdmd oh the cad files are a massive help. Thanks so much.
RE: Is a 1ftx1ftx2ft build volume doable with a hotbed?
@zapta a little pricier than I wanted but worth a look. Besudes, wouldn't modifications void the warranty?
RE: Is a 1ftx1ftx2ft build volume doable with a hotbed?
@mrehorstdmd btw, what's that on the floor? Just motors?
RE: Is a 1ftx1ftx2ft build volume doable with a hotbed?
@mrehorstdmd you didn't end up with anything like a BOM, perchance?
RE: Is a 1ftx1ftx2ft build volume doable with a hotbed?
@fcwilt well I was referring specifically to the smaller stuff - bolts etc
RE: Is a 1ftx1ftx2ft build volume doable with a hotbed?
@mrehorstdmd I asked this elsewhere, but where do you recommend going for mechanical parts? I'm getting most of the electronics from matterhackers but they don't even have framing.
Is a 1ftx1ftx2ft build volume doable with a hotbed?
Since I'm doing a custom build, I figured I'd at least look into a 1x1x2 volume. Will this work with a hotbed, or am I better off just building a delta later?
Hardware suppliers for custom build
I'm looking at my first custom build, and I think I will buy most electronics (Duet included) from MatterHackers. However they don't really have any mechanical parts (framing, threaded rods, etc) or PSUs. Can I do any better than Amazon?
Thanks again
Power supply specification (first custom build)
I'm planning my first custom build, a dual extruder unit with a hotbed. I have a bench power supply. Am I better off calculating power draw and buying supply in advance, or testing with a bench supply?
Thanks so much