I have an tronxy x5sa printer that has two z motors, and uses both x and y at the same time to move the print head.
The origional board sometimes ignores the G28 and G29 command and it is hard to get it to print well. (hard to calibrate the steps also)
I want to replace my board with a board that will work fine every time 
I use Simplify3D to slice, then it sends it to my octoprint server where i run timelapse and monitores the print operation.
Can i use a Duet 2 ethernet board with my printer? what about the cables, do i have to cut them and solder new plugs or are there adapters to buy?
Can this board also control two fans? i have one fan for the hotend heatbrake and another fan for cooling the print.
I have only one working hand after a brain stroke, therefor am i looking for a easy but good sollution to make my printer print good.
thank you 
Best regards,