Okay, I have a question regarding wiring lasers to the DuetWifi.
I have a 2500mW 12V laser which is switchable between TTL & PWM that I would like to attach to my DuetWifi.
The laser (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/445nm-2500mW-12V-Laser-Engraving-Machine-Dedicated-Laser-Module-wit-TTL-and-PWM-can-control-laser/32807063746.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.uWmzee) has three wires which are labelled VCC (power line), GND and PWM (control laser power).
My question is how should this be wired to the Duet ?
I would prefer to use PWM to control the laser as this would allow me to use M106 Snnn & M107 to control the laser and its intensity.
I have spent hours googling but to no avail.