@aidar perfect, anyway now I am using Stephens6309 solution.
Thanks a lot also

Latest posts made by uca
RE: Problem: X and Z axis endstops wired in series together
RE: Problem: X and Z axis endstops wired in series together
@stephen6309 ooooh, so easy solution and it's working perfectly. Why I did not figure this out myself? I'll try next time.
Anyway, this was my first question on this forum and I am sure it's not the last one. I still have a long way to go.
Thanks for cooperation
Uca -
Problem: X and Z axis endstops wired in series together
Hello, I have just started using Duet 2 WiFi with STEPCRAFT CNC router.
The problem is that STEPCRAFT is equiped with microswitch endstops wired in series together for both X and Z axis see fig. below.
STEPCRAFT when referencing ( going to zero position ) with its original control board knows which stepper ( X or Z ) is running and then when endstop ( X or Z ) is triggered there is zero position for either X or Z axis.
Do you have any clue how this endstops common connection could be configured in case of Duet?
Thanks for any help ( I am not very skilled in G-codes )