That's another compromise for ease of maintenance.
Entire extruder (inc endstop hidden behind) can be removed with 4 screws (plus PWR and CANBUS wire).
Belt can be removed by 1 screws.
L-extruder has +/- 0.5mm Z travel range for Z-height sync with R-extruder (which has BLTouch)
Dragchain and X-carrier will be printed as single unit later to reduce parts count. I've them as separate pieces to tryout different design instead of reprint entire thing)
Extruder -to- X-carrier alignment block need to be redo later as single longer block at middle.
I'd tried X rail on top design. It work well with Bondtech LGX + Slice Engineering Mosquito combo, basically sandwich the X-carrier between them. But with E3D Hermera there is not much option to move rail to the top, since the mounting hole is on the side.