as a side note, using a end stop for each motor, i ran into an issue while homing. i had a faulty endstop one time (shorted) and because i use nema 32 steppers the one side drove so hard i bent my y axis. the guys here helped me by writing a script that checks for shorts before it homes. it triggers a error message and stops homing routine. it works great! i don’t know how to give a link but just look for “dual axis woes”

Posts made by tierod
RE: Auto squaring workbee Y-axis on Duet3D 2 v3.3.0
RE: Dual motor axis end stop woes
hi all, just an update on this script
after changing the if statements to false, with the warning at the end it still gave me the red warning endstops not homed. so i moved it back behind the first if statement and it then gave me the correct blue error message.
it works perfectly this way so unless this is a bad move i’m going to leave it this way.
to reiterate, do NOT have your homing stop on the endstops as it will refuse to move, even 5mm off the endstops and all good.
again, thank you guys for this script! -
RE: RapidChange Automatic Tool Changer on the Duet
that’s great meeloo, i for one appreciate very much your willingness to share, especially the post processor. looks like you have it dialed in.
i have atc on the wishlist but would like to build it myself. so much to do, so little time -
RE: Dual motor axis end stop woes
Thanks for that.
Edited the last post, is correct and works giving the proper warning now, just had to move the warning behind the first if statement. Sorry about the weird indentation! Oh and I also looked at the object model for the first time️. What a great tool! I double checked the operation and it works with both left and right micro switches. I am so, so happy with this feature and I really think that all the people that help on this forum are number one in my books!! I believe this code should be made known somewhere easy to find, I can’t be the only one that has run into this issue. Again, thank you guys for your help!! Problem solved!
Rod -
RE: Dual motor axis end stop woes
it works! so awesome!
had to make a few changes, after trying this and that this is what i ended up with. dont know if it can be improved on but a couple things to note: will not work if you have the previous homing file stopping with the endstops triggered and it gives the warning :not sufficient axis homed" even when it works, not sure why? i would prefer have the original message you wrote. no idea how to fix that. could you give me your thoughts on the file? by the way, line 2 to 7 is indented, not sure why it comes up not; homeall.g
; called to home all axes
G91 ; relative positioningif sensors.endstops[0].triggered || sensors.endstops[1].triggered = true
^abort "X Endstop appears to be faulty. still in triggered state"
^m564 h1 s1
^g1 x-5 f1200
^m564 h0 s0
^if sensors.endstops[0].triggered || sensors.endstops[1].triggered = trueG1 H1 Z95 F3000 ; lift Z relative to current position
g1 h2 z-5 f300 ; move away from endstop
g1 h1 z10 f300 ;move Z up stopping at the endstop
g1 h2 z-5
G1 H1 X-1190 Y-1190 F3000 ; move quickly to X and Y axis endstops and stop there (first pass)
G1 H2 X10 Y10 f300 ; go back a few mm
G1 H1 X-15 Y-12 F360 ; move slowly to X and Y axis endstops once more (second pass)
g1 h2 x10 y10
G90 ; absolute positioning
G92 x0y0z0 ; set xyz position to axis minimum
Rod -
RE: Dual motor axis end stop woes
Right, that makes perfect sense (says the guy who hasn’t got a clue)
Once again, thank you very much!
The dual motor axis end stops configuration has always worried me because of the potential for disaster, (ask me how I know ) so this issue caught me off guard. I’ll implement it, test it and let you know how it goes. Cheers!
Rod -
RE: Dual motor axis end stop woes
hi again, i havent been able to get to my cnc yet but does the homeall have to look something like this?; homeall.g
; called to home all axes
G91 ; relative positioningif sensors.endstops[0].triggered = true ;if were hard against endstop or wiring faulty
or sensors.endstops[1].triggered = true ;as above
m564 h0 s0
g1 x-2 f1200
m564 h1 s1
if sensors.endstops[0].triggered = true
abort "x endstop appears to be faulty. still in triggered state"
or sensors.endstops[1].triggered = true abort "u endstop appears to be faulty. still in triggered state"G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position
G1 H1 X-700 Y-400 F12000 ; move quickly to X and Y axis endstops and stop there (first pass)
G1 H2 X5 Y5 F6000 ; go back a few mm
G1 H1 X-235 Y-215 F360 ; move slowly to X and Y axis endstops once more (second pass)
G1 H1 Z155 F360 ; move Z up stopping at the endstop
G90 ; absolute positioning
g92 x0 y0
g1 x5 y5
g92 x0 y0
im clueless when it comes to anything about meta commands etc. i can sort of get around simple gcode
thanks -
RE: Dual motor axis end stop woes
That’s awesome! Thank you guys very much. I’ll implement that and see how it works but may take me a while, never used object model before. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Again, thank you very much for your help!
Rod. -
Dual motor axis end stop woes
Hi everyone, I’m using a duet2 Ethernet with version 3.4.4. I have a dual motor axis with an end stop for each motor and It works as normal. Each motor stops as each end stop is hit, all good and have been using it for awhile now. I use normally closed switch arrangement as I thought if wiring fails it wouldn’t home, wrong! I had a stuck micro switch on one side(open circuit) poor quality? Anyway I hit home only one side of the gantry started moving, luckily I was able to hit the e stop before it did any damage. I don’t have access to my config right now but it’s the standard m574 x1 s1 P”x stop+e0stop” that I’ve been using for awhile. I also just use x,y,z without the u axis in my homing files but I thought that was how it’s done. What am I missing?
RE: A question for Deckingman (ian)
Right, I have decided to try(already started)design an enclosed Opto switch with a guided plunger. I just printed a boot out of tpu to seal off everything but the boot is pretty stiff. I’ve designed it to be internally adjusted and have a spring under the boot to help return the stiff boot. Looks good so far on fusion but so did all the other designs. I’ll see how it goes
. Thank you, I don’t know what I’d do if this forum and all the excellent advise I’ve found didn’t exist, well I do know, I never would have been able to design and build my own 3d printer and my cnc. Kudos to all!!
Rod -
RE: A question for Deckingman (ian)
Thank you for your answers.
I’ve thought of trying the Opto switches but I thought they were normally open switches and I’m very paranoid about having faults in either open circuits or faulty cheap Opto sensors. I’ve experienced a few crashes from inexperience with the software side. I use nema 32 steppers and they crash hard! A couple more questions, are there any normally closed Opto switches and what specific switch would you recommend? At this point I don’t care about cost and I’m only worried about accuracy on my dual motor axis anyway. And do you have any thoughts on debris interfering with the Opto?
Rod -
A question for Deckingman (ian)
Hello Ian, I wonder if you can help me with something? I’m building a cnc and in order to have a decent homing speed my carriage is so heavy it won’t stop instantly and gives my end stop switch a decent whack. So I was thinking about making my own plunger style normally closed switch so a little overrun didn’t matter. I designed a couple different ones but am not satisfied they will have good repeatability.I have a 2 motor , 2 endstop system and need something easily adjustable to square the carriage. I read a post recently where you had commented about making your own endstops with copper plates. Your posts indicate you are knowledgeable about these things (I see you hand build a lot of things) and I wonder if you could show and explain how you built yours? I would appreciate it immensely! Thank you,
Rod -
RE: spindle safety?
@tierod sorry, forgot, its a duet2 using version 3.4.4
spindle safety?
hi everyone, i have a spindle control using my e0heat and e1heat outputs
as shown here. it all works but i would like to have an overheat safety built in. i was going to use temp1 and fan1 to control a relay when the thermistor on my spindle read too high in case my waterpump quit for some reason. and i have it working but i got thinking that maybe there was a way to use, say e0temp and e1heat(currently being used by spindle control and is turned off with m5 command) thoughts?;spindle control
M950 R0 C"e0heat+e1heat" L0:24000 Q1000
M563 P0 R0 S"Spindle" ; Create tool 0 with spindle 0 and call it Spindle
G10 P0 X0 Y0 Z0
G10 P0 R0 S0Thanks, Rod
RE: Preview version of CNC optimized DWC.
Very exciting !!! Perfect timing for me as I’m moving my duet2 from my old 3d printer to a new diy cnc!
Many,many thanks!
Rod -
RE: configerator question
thankyou for your prompt reply
cheers, Rod -
configerator question
hi all, on the latest configerator it has a box with the option of firmware(2.04 etc). does this mean that firmware will be uploaded as well with the files?
thank you, Rod