I'm experiencing issue with duet control server, when I try to use SBC with wifi dongle in AP mode. DWS will start, but DCS won't. I have found this error in DCS log. I think, this is bug on DCS side. When I connect ethernet cable, DCS starts as fine and as far I know, I doesn't need ethernet connection anymore.

Latest posts made by Thugmek
Duet Control Server won't start, when SBC has not IP from DHCP
Documentation for M21 in SBC mode
I'm trying to mount USB flash disk as another GCode directory in SBC mode. I believe, that command M21 is what i need, but I can't find much about it. Documentation on GCode dictionary isn't exactly verbose.
From SBC side, I'm able to mount USB flash to directory inside /opt/dsf/sd/gcodes, which works fine, but I would like to mount it on the same level, as sd/ directory. I would like to have listed it in SD Card dropdown menu.
Can you please give me some additional documentation for M21 parameters? -
Create new types in Object Model in DSF
we have implemented custom Object Model types in RepRap firmware. They works as fine in standalone mode, but when we connect it to SBC, we get following error:DuetControlServer[4371]: [warn] Invalid key pads in the object model
We have tried to add Pads class to DuetAPI\ObjectModel\Tools\Pads.cs, implementing ModelObject, inspired by other classes in DuetAPI\ObjectModel, but we have got the same error.
What else should we do to add new types to Object Model? Isn't here some tool automatic create it from firmware sources? -
Difficulties with SWD debugging due flashing status LED
I'm trying to debug Duet3 MB6HC boad with Raspberry pi as SWD debugger. I can start debug session, read registers, memory doing single steps via OpenOCD telnet interface, all these funny things just fine. But when I run the program via run command, status led, connected on SWDIO, starts blinking and my SWD connection beaks. Is there some build flag needed for disable status led?
And second thing: I think, that Eclipse hasn't properly mapped source files to physical addresses. When I enter debug mode, card with hardware address, e.g. 0x48de08, pops up, but with message "Break at address "0x48de08" with no debug information available, or outside of program code." Is there some address offset, which I have to apply, or is here some additional config needed for Eclipse to accept source files, or is this just because program is deep in some library, which Eclipse can't disassemble?
Thanks for your advice. -
Debugging options on Duet 2 for firmware development
I'm would like to know, how can be firmware debugged on Duet 2 Ethernet Board. SAM4E8E chip has JTAG and Serial Wire interfaces, but on Duet 2 board are those port not accessible, because some of their pins are wired somewhere. I'm curious, how debugging was done, when official RepRap Firmware was ported for this board. I don't think, that Duet developer are hyper-inteligent creatures, that can always write code, that works on first time as it should work, so I'm pretty sure, that Duet developers has to have some debugging options. But I wasn't able to find much about debugging.
There is debugPrintf() method implemented, which prints debug message via USB serial interface, but this way I can't print messages right before firmware crash, because this way is somehow asynchronous. It would be really useful, if there was a way, to stepping trough code lide by line, just like JTAG can. Or at least, if there would be some way, to ensure all debug messages are sent before firmware crash.
Thank you for some hints. -
RE: moiré on my delta 3D printer
We have 5mm height washers betwen motor and PLA, but metal screews can get hot and bend PLA. Hot motors aren't so good for us. All printer electronics is made for 24 volts, using 12V power suply is not good too, but I have idea: what about smoother made of antiparalel diodes? Should voltage drop od diodes help?
RE: moiré on my delta 3D printer
I'm refering to oficial TMC2660 datasheet, pages 20 and 35-36. But I'm afraid that correction is posible ony in Constant Off-Time Mode
RE: moiré on my delta 3D printer
I set current 1600mA and it's quite good. Moiré is still visible, but 1000mA benchy is 4x-5x worse. Only problem is motor temperature. We use PLA parts and 60 degrees on motor is too much. TMC2660 should have some sine wave correction. HEND register should be used for this, but I don't have any idea how can I calculate correct value.
RE: moiré on my delta 3D printer
I don't think there is some risk for driver if I use 2 small resistors, but circuit will have different behavior if I increase resistance. I tried measure voltage on sense resistor and I saw square pulse with, off-time and square pulse with negative polarity.
RE: moiré on my delta 3D printer
I think I know what you mean, microteps near hardware fullsteps can't be set correctly (like on my painting).
I did some measurement of coil voltage with osciloscope, but i saw only short spikes, and shorter or longer off-time, not sine wave.