Thanks David

Latest posts made by TheKizard
RE: Possible driver 0 issue on newly purchased Duet Wifi
So, does that mean I need duet3d authorization to return to filastruder? I have already contacted Tim, and that is pretty much what he needed to start a replacement process.
Thanks for your help and confirming my suspicions.
RE: Possible driver 0 issue on newly purchased Duet Wifi
The occurances are pretty random, but happen often enough that I don't feel comfortable running any sort of bed calibration (manual). I have removed my effector arms so as not to damage them and ran the carriages up and down in the z at 50mm increments several times. The stuttering in the driver 0 did not appear until maybe 20-30 moves in. It then increased in strength of skips/tremors, then decreased and mostly went away. It came back again around move 50 or so.
Here's the driver section from the m122 command…
MCU temperature: min 24.4, current 33.3, max 33.6
Supply voltage: min 23.6, current 23.8, max 24.1, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0
Driver 0: standstill, SG min/max 0/1023
Driver 1: standstill, SG min/max 0/245
Driver 2: standstill, SG min/max 0/242
Driver 3: standstill, SG min/max not available
Driver 4: standstill, SG min/max not available
Date/time: 2018-01-16 22:29:23
Cache data hit count 4294967295
Slowest main loop (seconds): 0.158098; fastest: 0.000110
=== Move ===
MaxReps: 3, StepErrors: 0, FreeDm: 240, MinFreeDm 234, MaxWait: 743926933ms, Underruns: 0, 0
Scheduled moves: 51, completed moves: 51 -
Possible driver 0 issue on newly purchased Duet Wifi
I just purchased a Duet Wifi from Filastruder last week. I have an existing delta printer that has been running with a 24V, BBB-Cramps controller for around 2 years. I did a direct swap of the old control board for the Duet Wifi. After completing the wiring connections and configuring the delta parameters in the various system files (config.g, homing.g, etc) I started up the web control server and checked my motor move directions, hotend operation/sensor, heatbed operation/sensor, limit switches, and proper fan operation. Everything was properly connected and functioning as expected.
I then proceeded to home all axes with the homeall function on the web control. Everything seemed to home ok, with the limit switches triggering properly twice as expected. The homing program then moved the effector down about 5mm below the switches and finished.
This is where the issues started. On a g-code console command, "G1 Z200 F1500" to move the effector down from the homing height of Z338.16, the "X" motor experienced a severe skipping of steps. It was a loud buzz/grind sound and the x-axis carriage barely moved at all while the y- and z-axes both moved normally. Went to re-home and try again, but now the issue occurred during homing. Restarted the duet wifi and tried again. This time it homed and moved down to Z200, but moving it back up to Z300 again had the skipping steps. I tried flashing to the version 20 firmware, but the issue didn't go away. It seemed rather random and "glitchy" so I thought it might be wiring. I checked the "X" motor lead connection to make sure the pins were all properly inserted and making contact - no issues. After much troubleshooting adjustments: micro-step settings, speeds, accel, motor amperage, I was unable to software resolve the issue. I then proceeded to troubleshoot the connections further. I swapped the "X" motor lead on driver 0 with the "Y" motor lead on driver 1 (as well as the x and y limit switches). The motor with the issue was now "Y", still on driver 0.
I contacted Filastruder for support and they suggested I post here. I think there might be a driver, power control, or step generator issue on this particular board. I was wondering if there are any other troubleshooting ideas to try. Otherwise, I would be interested in a direct swap, if possible, so you could inspect the current board.
More machine parameters if necessary…
24V, 14.5A Meanwell power supply
24V E3D v6 hotend
250mm 24v heated bed (capton heating element)
0.9deg motors, GT2 belts on 20 tooth pulleys
32x microstepping setting (320 steps / mm)
1500mA setting for X, Y, Z
1200mA setting for E0
Was not running heat on hotend or bed at the time of these skipped steps.Thank.
Eric -
RE: Live D-bot build at MRRF 2017 (Mar 25-26)
Latest update… preparations for MRRF 2017 are almost complete. We have created a YouTube channel for the Live Build videos can be seen live or afterwards and will be posting pictures to the Google+ page
YouTube channel:
Google+ Image Collection:
Show some love to my sponsors and support the open community!
Live D-bot build at MRRF 2017 (Mar 25-26)
I will be attending the 2017 Midwest RepRap Festival (MRRF) with a small team of printer enthusiasts and a goal to fully assemble a Core-XY D-bot onsite during the event. This is our first attempt at building a D-bot and we will be learning things as we go. Our hope is to have the entire machine assembled, wired, and functional (at least to the setup and testing phase) before the end of the show. Please attend and watch us in person or visit our feed channel during/after the event.
My intent for this build is to bring awareness to the Midwest RepRap Festival (MRRF) and to the build community in general. By demonstrating this build live at the event, I hope to show attendees (many who are still researching or considering 3d printing) that building a printer doesn't have to be a daunting task. It can be fun, enlightening, and less time consuming than one might think.
Because we will be attempting this in a public form, I was approach by Mary at OpenBuilds, who offered to sponsor materials for framing and other hardware. This lead me to recently approach additional companies about sponsorship in the open community. I never would have imagined the overwhelming positive response to sponsorship requests, but the open community is truly awesome.
I approached Roland at Think3dPrint3d about sponsoring a Duet Wifi and DuePanel for this build and was glad to hear back within 24 hours with a "yes". He in turn contacted Tim at Filastruder and together we worked out all the details.
I can not express enough how grateful I am for the sponsorship of OpenBuilds, Duet3D, and Filastruder.
A little about me: I'm an industrial machine design engineer with 15 years experience (and with a 10 year background in plastics processing also). I have previously built a custom delta style printer (using OpenBuilds framing, a Beaglebone Black / Cramps controller combo, running Machinekit). This is my first attempt at building a D-bot (core-xy) machine. I intend to continue this 3d printing quest quite a bit further by designing an all-in-one recycle station to chop/shred compatible plastics, mix/extrude into "new" filament, and wind onto spools to be ready for printing (but that is a project for another time)
This D-bot machine is mostly a traditional build from Spauda01's design on Thingiverse ( with the 300mm x 300mm build plate sizing. However, we have already began the tinkering process and added the Toranado Precision Extruder ( to the build. We are now toying with a modified z-drive belt system for 3-4 acme rods on 1 motor to prevent step loss plate leveling issues.
Some pictures of the build prep are shown below…
Some framing materials and hardware from OpenBuilds
Pieces for the Toranado Precision Extruder
Printing the DReD-Bot out on my DeltaForce machine
Toranado partial assemblyYou can keep up-to-date on the build at OpenBuilds projects here…
I will make occasional updates and post final video / image links from the MRRF 2017 here as well.
Show some love to my sponsors and support the open community!