A simple workround for PrusaSlicer is to add a custom gcode to the Printer Settings:

Best posts made by tekkydave
RE: Firmware bundle 3.3beta2 released
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@paolozampini1973 If we ignore the fact that you are unhappy with your purchase will my suggested configuration work?
I have 41yrs experience as an engineer and programmer and find the best engineers are the pragmatic ones.
As an inexperienced database developer I used to get very upset and obsessed when a proposed solution wasn't perfect. One day a DBA I looked up to took me on one side and just said "Don't be a dick, Dave".
If anyone else following this thread can say whether my proposed solution makes sense it might help the OP. -
RE: Sd card disk Image
Every time I make a change to a config file I download all the files in /sys as a zip to my PC and archive it away. I also give each version a number - I'm currently on V17.
Spot the ex-developer/DBA -
RE: inverting Z-probe pin
I've just removed the ^ too and as expected - makes no difference.
Correct setup for analog is
M558 P1 C"zprobe.in" R0.5 H3 F360 T9000 A5 S0.03 ; P1 = Analogue mode G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.1 P530 ; X, Y, Z offsets, P530 = trigger threshold
and for digital:
M558 P8 C"^!zprobe.in" R0.5 H3 F240 T9000 A5 S0.03 ; P8 = Digital mode (unfiltered) G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.1 P100 ; X, Y, Z offsets, P100 = debounce interval
RE: Probing speed with analog piezo sensor
I can see the sense in the slowdown for other analog sensors but not for piezos. The analog output is constant until the nozzle makes contact with the bed.
Can I suggest 2 possible solutions:- A way of specifying the amount of slowdown for analog sensors in M558
- A separate M558 probe type for piezo probes with no slowdown applied.
RE: random number
G1 X{random(101) + 30} F3600
or for your exact example above use:
G1 X{30+random(100)} Y228 F3000
that will actually move to X between 30 & 129 actually - if you need 30 to 130 put 101 as the parameter to random().
RE: First layer issues
If you haven't already done so try adjusting the nozzle height whilst the first layer is printing using the 'Z Babystepping' controls on the DWC Status page. If you can find a height that works then adjust the G31 Z value in your config.g by that amount.
RE: Firmware bundle 3.3beta2 released
Thanks for this beta release. Finally a solution to the analogue piezo probe slowdown issue. I have tested the z homing on my D-Bot and confirm it probes & lifts at the full 6mm/s and no longer slows to 2mm/s for the dive.
Thanks guys. -
RE: Duet Web Control 2.0 released
No bug as far as I can tell. I've just tested it on my Duet2 using DWC V2.0. It just seems very fussy about where you click to start the selection. If you start in the margin area to the left of the first character the selection doesn't work. If you are spot on the first character it works as expected. It is sometimes easier to select backwards then you don't need to be so accurate with your mouse positioning.
RE: Probing speed with analog piezo sensor
RRF3.3beta2 has resolved this issue. G30 now probes at full speed due to changes in M558 F parameter.
RE: Mains bed pwm frequency/flickering lights.
@zapta I don't think so apart from the manufacturer's spec.
RE: Accelerometer Usage
@blacksheep99 should be a LIS3DSH from the chip id of DSH.
RE: Piezo probe Value shows P1000 when not touching
If it helps I have the universal board v2.85. Here are the analogue and digital settings that work with my Duet Wifi. Use one or the other. I use the analogue mode to avoid having to fiddle with the tiny pots on the PCB. You also need to connect to the correct pin (A or D) on the PCB according to which mode you use.
; Analogue Mode M558 P1 C"^!zprobe.in" R0.5 H3 F360 T9000 A5 S0.03 ; P1 = Analogue mode G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.1 P530 ; X, Y, Z offsets, P530 = trigger threshold ; Digital Mode M558 P8 C"^!zprobe.in" R0.5 H3 F240 T9000 A5 S0.03 ; P8 = Digital mode (unfiltered) G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.1 P100 ; X, Y, Z offsets, P100 = debounce interval
You will need to adjust the Pxxx in the G31 to suit your printer if using analogue mode. A good starting point is 5 above the value in DWC when not triggered.
Also be aware that when using analogue mode the probe will home at 1/3 speed. @dc42 has said this will change at some point in a future RRF release so piezo probes home at full speed.
RE: Mains bed pwm frequency/flickering lights.
If you check out https://protosupplies.com/inferior-counterfeit-fotek-ssr-25-solid-state-relays-on-the-market/ it has two pics to highlight how to spot the fake Foteks.
The Real Ones look like this:
and the fakes:
RE: Accelerometer Usage
@tecno Yes 60.
0 = +X, 1 = +Y, 2 = +Z, 4 = -X, 5 = -Y, 6 = -Z.
the chip's z will be pointing in printer's -z dir = 6
the chip's x will be pointing in printer's +x dir = 0 -
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
@paolozampini1973 @droftarts has already given the solution:
Move the Z2 axis from output 9 on the Duex to either 0 or 2 on the Duet.
Put the Duex in Duex2 mode.
Make the changes to config.g that he will be giving to you.Once that is done lets see what remaining problems there are.
RE: Different XY speed for probing moves
@phaedrux I can't disagree with the number of parameters on M558 but equally I can't understand why we have the Z lift speed being controlled by a parameter intended for XY movement.
In theory I could have my Z max speed set to a crazy value but it not affect any other movements as they all have their own speeds specified. Only M558 will cause issues when it tries to lift the probe at say 150mm/s.
Sure every printer should have it's limits set up correctly but for me it's an inconsistency in the probing process that needs looking at. -
RE: Accelerometer Usage
I have finally got my hands on a LIS3DSH. I ordered it from the link supplied above by @dc42
Note the 'DSH' on the chip
And in DWC:
RE: DUEX 5 V0.8 TO DUEX 5 V0.11
I'll do it by means of a table:Driver Axis ------ ----- 0 unused 1 Z1 2 Z2 3 E1 4 E2 5 E3 6 E4 7 X (external) 8 Y (external) 9 unused (external)
This is all 8 motors. The Duex is in Duex2 mode.
RE: Duet 3 Tool Board
Anyone old enough to remember SCSI hard disk? They had a SIP resistor pack in the last drive on the 50w ribbon cable.