@jay_s_uk We were doubtful about connecting Nema 23 motors directly to 6 HC boards. I hope it doesnt need any external stepper drivers, isnt it? If the current is less than 5A, we can directly connect 4 wires to the board.

Latest posts made by techworld
RE: Orbiter Extruder Motor
RE: Orbiter Extruder Motor
thank you @droftarts
Can we run stepper motors with separate power like few motors with 24V DC and few motors with 48V DC (Like the Big Tree Tech Octopus Pro board)? -
RE: Orbiter Extruder Motor
@jay_s_uk Thank you for responding
I'm unable to Reply from my personal account @Prathik
Here we are not sure whether the Orbiter Extruder motor can handle 48V DC power supply.
I don't want to use 24V power supply separately for the Orbiter Extruder, we want to connect it directly to the Duet 3 6HC MB Stepper Output terminals.https://www.trianglelab.net/products/orbiter-extruder-v20?VariantsId=10239
this extruder has NEMA 14 36mm pancake stepper motor with the following rating- Current/phase - 1.0 A
- Resistance/phase - 2.1*(1+/-15%) Ohms
- Inductance/phase - 1.6*(1+/-20%) mH
We require support regarding this.
Thank you.
RE: Auto Resume after Pause
@stuartofmt I am not sure what has happened.
Automatically the plugin got installed. Now it is working fine.
We have the 'DuetPi Management Plugin' installed. Is it the one which made the installation?
Another question:
- Can we make the auto pause at every layer change and take a pic? (The famous one with Octoprint)
Thanks for the support
RE: Auto Resume after Pause
Hi @stuartofmt I'm trying to install the plugin, got this error while installing.
Couldn't install Plugintechworld
RE: Auto Resume after Pause
@stuartofmt We have changed the DuetLapse3.config as recommended, still auto resume is occurring.
RE: Auto Resume after Pause
@stuartofmt Please find the config file data:
-port 8082
-basedir /opt/dsf/sd/DuetLapse3
-camera1 stream
-weburl1 http://DP500:8081/0/stream
-seconds 20
-detect pause
-restart -
RE: Auto Resume after Pause
Recently installed DuetLapse3 plugin, the plugin is working fine we are able to get the time lapse video.
We have tried this
- Stopped the DuetLapse3 plugin and tested pause function
- here pause is working fine, I'm able to pause the print and its not resuming automatically.
But when I run DuetLapse3 plugin the print is automatically resuming after giving pause. When pause the print is getting paused, after few seconds again it's resuming.
We've tried different settings in DuetLapse3.config file but still the problem is occurring.
RE: Auto Resume after Pause
@chrishamm As mentioned earlier, we tried to install Tool Alignment Vision' plugin from community. It didnt get install properly. Then we reinstalled the original Duet Pi image back to RPI.
RE: Auto Resume after Pause
@chrishamm @jay_s_uk When I run the command
/opt/dsf/bin/CodeLogger -t pre
we found that after pause, it is immediately triggering M24.
Then it runs resume.g and resuming the print.I checked all the sys files. Nowhere I am finding this M24.