Woot! I got it working! I followed the instructions posted by Danal here ("Just do it this way" code block): https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/15440/failed-to-connect-to-duet3-via-pi4-sbc/8

Best posts made by TechButterfly
RE: Web interface failed to connect - DCS is unavailable
RE: MB6HC 3v3 IO pins only have 1.06 volts
@infiniteloop Thanks - the culprit is the connection to my CR Touch. I'll need to take another look at how I have it hooked up. With it disconnected, the voltage is correct, and my endstops are working. Thanks for the guidance!
RE: G29 on CoreXY does not move correctly
Okay, I can home Y if I home it first. Movement is correct. I can then home X, and it homes correctly. After that, the kinematics are all wrong - the Y motor doesn't turn at all, so all movements end up on a diagonal. If I home X first, then the kinematics are wrong, and I can't home Y.
Just to reiterate - prior to this, all movement was correct. I jogged the head all over the place while leveling the bed. It's only been since I created the mesh.g file and attempted a G29. Not saying that's what caused the problem - it's just the last change I made.
I have to go out of town for a day or two - I'll be back to work on this tomorrow night or the next.
Thanks for any help!
RE: G29 on CoreXY does not move correctly
@fcwilt I ran the commands you said - everything moved as expected, both jogging and using G1 commands. X+ was to the right. Y+ was toward the back.
What should I do next?
As far as G32, bed.g, and G29, whatever I have is either the default or perhaps came along with something I copied from somewhere. Please feel free to tell me a more acceptable way to accomplish things like bed leveling or mesh compensation. There's definitely plenty I don't know.
RE: G29 on CoreXY does not move correctly
@fcwilt Thanks - I appreciate your taking the time. I'm going to see if I can make a video.
RE: G29 on CoreXY does not move correctly
Hmm. It looks like I'm supposed to just use a regular old M140 for the bed temp part of it.
RE: G29 on CoreXY does not move correctly
@fcwilt That was it! Thanks so much! I need to be more mindful of my M's and G's I guess!
So while we're here - can you tell me the difference between the bed.g and mesh.g, and how I should use them correctly?
RE: Send job to printer from prusaslicer?
@jay_s_uk Okay, thanks so much for your help. It's working now.
RE: How to install multiple macros
For anyone wondering how I managed to get all the files uploaded, I unzipped the big tuning file, and then made smaller zipped files from the subdirectories. I had to go two levels down for the Acceleration tuning, as it had too many files. I had to zip up E Accel, X Accel, Y Accel, etc. separately. Got them all loaded finally.
RE: Webcam on MB6HC with SBC
Whew! Figured it out - had to go to the plugins tab and start Motion Webcam Server. All working now.
I might eventually want to change over to using this camera for timelapses, but for now this will work.
Thanks for the help!
Latest posts made by TechButterfly
RE: Printer suddenly running very slowly
@dc42 I am using prusaslicer, but I do have multiple configs and sometimes forget which one I'm supposed to be using - I will check for what units it's using. Thanks!
Printer suddenly running very slowly
I have a D-bot that has been running fine on a Duet HC6 for a couple of years. For some reason, it has started running extremely slowly. I kicked off a print, and at first I thought it wasn't working at all, but then I noticed that the bed was rising very very slowly for the z probe. After that, it went ahead an printed but again, very very slowly. I'm not sure what's going on. The D-bot is a corexy printer and normally prints pretty quickly.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
RE: Webcam on MB6HC with SBC
Whew! Figured it out - had to go to the plugins tab and start Motion Webcam Server. All working now.
I might eventually want to change over to using this camera for timelapses, but for now this will work.
Thanks for the help!
RE: Webcam on MB6HC with SBC
@phaedrux The settings are the same. I have http://duet3.local:8081/0/stream in the webcam URL, and 0 in the update interval. I have nothing in the URL to open field and everything else is blank or off.
I don't see any errors in DWC.
RE: Webcam on MB6HC with SBC
Following the instructions on setting up a webcam, I ran
journalctl -u duetpluginservice -f
Here's the results of that:
-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 04:11:59 CST. -- May 30 09:17:22 duet3 systemd[1]: Starting Duet Plugin Service... May 30 09:17:24 duet3 DuetPluginService[921]: Duet Plugin Service v3.4.0 May 30 09:17:24 duet3 DuetPluginService[921]: Written by Christian Hammacher for Duet3D May 30 09:17:24 duet3 DuetPluginService[921]: Licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License Version 3 May 30 09:17:27 duet3 DuetPluginService[921]: [info] DuetPluginService.Program: Settings loaded May 30 09:17:28 duet3 DuetPluginService[921]: [info] DuetPluginService.Program: Connection established May 30 09:17:30 duet3 DuetPluginService[921]: [info] DuetPluginService.Program: Plugin MotionWebcamServer loaded May 30 09:17:30 duet3 systemd[1]: Started Duet Plugin Service.
I'm not an expert, but I don't see anything unusual there.
RE: Webcam on MB6HC with SBC
Okay, after some searching I found the instructions here: https://github.com/Duet3D/DuetSoftwareFramework/wiki/Changelog-DSF-3.x#version-330. Took a couple of tries, but I finally got the webcam plugin installed.
I've restarted both the SBC and the duet, but still no video stream. I also tried running this again from the console, but still nothing:
sudo systemctl enable duetpluginservice && sudo systemctl enable duetpluginservice-root
What should I try next?
RE: Webcam on MB6HC with SBC
@phaedrux This is a new duet I've been setting up for the last couple of weeks. I ran sudo apt update and upgrade on the pi last week.
The plugin I'm trying to install is the motion webcam plugin, and I'm trying to install it through DWC - where it says install plugins. Is this not the right way?
Here's M122:
m122 === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC version 3.4.0 (2022-03-15 18:57:24) running on Duet 3 MB6HC v1.01 or later (SBC mode) Board ID: 08DJM-956BA-NA3TN-6J9F6-3SN6N-TB8UU Used output buffers: 1 of 40 (12 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 151000 Dynamic ram: 66204 of which 164 recycled Never used RAM 133304, free system stack 218 words Tasks: SBC(ready,0.4%,478) HEAT(notifyWait,0.0%,327) Move(notifyWait,0.0%,352) CanReceiv(notifyWait,0.0%,944) CanSender(notifyWait,0.0%,374) CanClock(delaying,0.0%,333) TMC(notifyWait,7.7%,92) MAIN(running,83.9%,923) IDLE(ready,8.1%,30), total 100.0% Owned mutexes: HTTP(MAIN) === Platform === Last reset 00:00:19 ago, cause: software Last software reset at 2022-05-30 00:02, reason: User, GCodes spinning, available RAM 132704, slot 2 Software reset code 0x0003 HFSR 0x00000000 CFSR 0x00000000 ICSR 0x00400000 BFAR 0x00000000 SP 0x00000000 Task SBC Freestk 0 n/a Error status: 0x00 Aux0 errors 0,0,0 Step timer max interval 129 MCU temperature: min 40.3, current 40.7, max 41.1 Supply voltage: min 23.9, current 23.9, max 23.9, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0, power good: yes 12V rail voltage: min 12.0, current 12.0, max 12.0, under voltage events: 0 Heap OK, handles allocated/used 0/0, heap memory allocated/used/recyclable 0/0/0, gc cycles 0 Events: 0 queued, 0 completed Driver 0: standstill, SG min 0, mspos 776, reads 41911, writes 14 timeouts 0 Driver 1: standstill, SG min 0, mspos 504, reads 41911, writes 14 timeouts 0 Driver 2: standstill, SG min 0, mspos 456, reads 41911, writes 14 timeouts 0 Driver 3: standstill, SG min 0, mspos 88, reads 41912, writes 14 timeouts 0 Driver 4: standstill, SG min 0, mspos 8, reads 41915, writes 11 timeouts 0 Driver 5: standstill, SG min 0, mspos 8, reads 41915, writes 11 timeouts 0 Date/time: 2022-05-30 00:02:51 Slowest loop: 1.11ms; fastest: 0.06ms === Storage === Free file entries: 10 SD card 0 not detected, interface speed: 37.5MBytes/sec SD card longest read time 0.0ms, write time 0.0ms, max retries 0 === Move === DMs created 125, segments created 0, maxWait 0ms, bed compensation in use: none, comp offset 0.000 === MainDDARing === Scheduled moves 0, completed 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === AuxDDARing === Scheduled moves 0, completed 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === Heat === Bed heaters 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1, chamber heaters -1 -1 -1 -1, ordering errs 0 Heater 1 is on, I-accum = 0.0 === GCodes === Segments left: 0 Movement lock held by null HTTP* is doing "M122" in state(s) 0 Telnet is idle in state(s) 0 File is idle in state(s) 0 USB is idle in state(s) 0 Aux is idle in state(s) 0 Trigger* is idle in state(s) 0 Queue is idle in state(s) 0 LCD is idle in state(s) 0 SBC is idle in state(s) 0 Daemon is idle in state(s) 0 Aux2 is idle in state(s) 0 Autopause is idle in state(s) 0 Code queue is empty === Filament sensors === Extruder 0 sensor: no data received === CAN === Messages queued 134, received 0, lost 0, boc 0 Longest wait 0ms for reply type 0, peak Tx sync delay 0, free buffers 50 (min 50), ts 97/0/0 Tx timeouts 0,0,96,0,0,36 last cancelled message type 30 dest 127 === SBC interface === Transfer state: 4, failed transfers: 0, checksum errors: 0 RX/TX seq numbers: 854/854 SPI underruns 0, overruns 0 State: 5, disconnects: 0, timeouts: 0, IAP RAM available 0x2b880 Buffer RX/TX: 0/0-0, open files: 0 === Duet Control Server === Duet Control Server v3.4.0 Code buffer space: 4096 Configured SPI speed: 8000000Hz, TfrRdy pin glitches: 0 Full transfers per second: 61.95, max time between full transfers: 366.9ms, max pin wait times: 97.1ms/12.3ms Codes per second: 3.52 Maximum length of RX/TX data transfers: 3120/812
RE: Webcam on MB6HC with SBC
@phaedrux When I try and install the plugin it fails because the plugin service is not started. How do I start it?
Webcam on MB6HC with SBC
I am running a Duet 3 with SBC and would like to have a webcam to view prints in progress. According to the docs, something called motion is included with the 3.4 firmware, which I have. I can't figure out how to get this set up, though. I have hooked up a camera (Logitech C270) to the RPi, and I put http://duet3.local:8081/0/stream in the webcam URL in DWC General>Settings. What other steps do I need to take? Is there a better/easier solution to setting up a webcam with the duet?
RE: How to install multiple macros
For anyone wondering how I managed to get all the files uploaded, I unzipped the big tuning file, and then made smaller zipped files from the subdirectories. I had to go two levels down for the Acceleration tuning, as it had too many files. I had to zip up E Accel, X Accel, Y Accel, etc. separately. Got them all loaded finally.