@dc42 Thanks! That one has fixed it, macros functioning as expected now. Interested to hear where the MMS metacommand handling goes when you've decided on that!
@dc42 Thanks! That one has fixed it, macros functioning as expected now. Interested to hear where the MMS metacommand handling goes when you've decided on that!
@dc42 I'm getting an error with this code:
if state.thisInput != null & !state.thisInput.active
Error: line 8 column 31: meta command: reached primitive type before end of selector string
The position is pointing to the ! on the second selector which is a bit confusing...
edit: I tried to diagnose more:
28/02/2024, 12:03:16 pm echo state.thisInput != "null"
Error: at column 31: meta command: cannot convert operands to same type
28/02/2024, 12:01:37 pm echo state.thisInput
28/02/2024, 12:01:22 pm echo state.thisInput != null
28/02/2024, 12:00:59 pm echo exists(state.thisInput)
But in the object model on DWC it is showing as =null
Further edit: I put echos at the start of the relevant macro to see what was going on and the same outputs are happening - so state.thisInput exists and is returning 0 but not evaluating as null, so it can't find .active and fails out.
@dc42 Excellent thanks for that, the workaround should do it for me, will test it out soon.
No doubt picking what gets executed where is a bit of a pickle, similar to the challenges of refactoring code for multithreading.
I wonder if you might not save yourself a bunch of headaches by putting in an optional parameter on M98 that selects the motion system / reader you want to run it on? Then you could have either a default behaviour or a reserved constant you could drop into that so that you can perpetuate macro execution within the same motion system.
eg: A normal macro run is M98 P"foo.g" with optional "S" parameter where -1 is run on calling thread, 0 is run on ALL, 1+ is run on that motion system. Then default could be be -1 which would give the most consistent results for 99% of users.
@dc42 @gloomyandy is there any chance we can get an M code to just switch the 2nd motion system processing off until this one gets figured out?
I posted that simple test code above that reliably brings up the problem.
It looks like this thread might be a similar issue if that helps to combine efforts.
[3.5.0-rc.3] Conditional 'abort' command called unexpectedly
@lycean I've come up with a simple set of gcode in my thread here that I believe replicates this MMS forward evaluation issue. Seems like we are running into similar issues.
@droftarts Is there any chance we can move this to the Beta Firmware forum, I think I misplaced it putting it here.
@NineMile Correct, if not queued means run immediately then we would expect this behaviour but that would be... well weird to say the least. Some clarification from devs would be ideal.
I have created a simple test case that anyone should be able to run to reproduce this:
G21 ; set units to millimeters
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
G0 Z5
G0 X50 Y50
G1 X150 Y50 F3000 ; this move should take 2 seconds
G1 X100 Y50 F3000 ; this move should take 1 second
M98 P"abort-test-1.g" ;abort test macro checks to see if X=150, if not, aborts
G1 X50 Y50 F3000 ; this move should take 1 second ** IN MY TESTING, THE NEXT MACRO RUNS DURING THIS MOVE AND FAILS OUT
G4 P2000
G1 X150 Y50 F3000 ; this move should take 2 seconds
G1 X100 Y50 F3000 ; this move should take 1 second
M98 P"abort-test-2.g" ;abort test macro checks to see if X=150, if not, aborts
G1 X50 Y50 F3000 ; this move should take 1 second
G4 P2000
G1 X150 Y50 F3000 ; this move should take 2 seconds
G1 X{global.abortpos1} Y50 F3000 ; this move should take 1 second
M98 P"abort-test-3.g" ;abort test macro checks to see if X=150, if not, aborts
G4 P2000
echo "Did not abort" ; if we got here, then the M400 did its job and stopped the M98 being executed before the move finished
if move.axes[0].machinePosition != 100
abort "Aborted at macro 1! MP: " ^ move.axes[0].machinePosition
if !exists(global.aborttest1)
global aborttest1 = true
if move.axes[0].machinePosition != 100
abort "Aborted at macro 2! MP: " ^ move.axes[0].machinePosition
if !exists(global.abortpos)
global abortpos = 100
if move.axes[0].machinePosition != 100
abort "Aborted at macro 3! MP: " ^ move.axes[0].machinePosition
Put the 3 .g files in your sys directory and then run the .gcode as a job.
In all cases, the machine does some slow moves between positions to end at X100 with a M400 command after. According to the MMS documentation, this should allow all moves to end before further execution, however the abort-test macros check for the machine position and abort if this position is not correct.
As commented in the code, my testing fails at test #2 over 8 seconds before the macro should have been executed. Interestingly, I was expecting it to fail already at abort no. 1. I included test 3 to try @droftarts theory but I never get there anyway...
@droftarts Thanks for the suggestion - on reading the link I'm not sure that's my issue.
"Not queued" in this case in my reading would mean that effectively the queuing stops because the firmware needs to wait to be able to evaluate the expressions. So this could cause a delay, as it needs to be processed right before being executed, but it doesn't explain metacommands being executed "early" as such. Unless the lack of queuing is causing a desync between the command and move queues, I would still be mostly suspect of the MMS being my culprit.
To provide an example here, my slicer produces normal slicer gcode, and then is set on a toolchange to call
M98 P"mmu/lib/print-filament-change.g" L1 ; the slicer populates the L # based on the next filament
Print Filament Change.g then looks like this at the start:
; This is the macro to call in your slicer when material needs to change
var nextLane = -1
if !exists(param.L)
M291 S5 R"Manual intervention" P"Please provide lane to change to"
set var.nextLane = input
set var.nextLane = param.L
if var.nextLane < 0 || var.nextLane > global.mmu_slot_max
abort "Invalid lane provided"
if var.nextLane != global.mmu_selector_pos
echo "Parking for filament change"
M98 P"wiper/lib/wiper-park.g" ;servo move then a big G0 to the parking position
M98 P"mmu/lib/check-loaded-state.g" ;gets two GPIO pins detecting filament and translates to a the loaded state global
if global.mmu_loaded_state = 3
echo "Unloading"
M98 P"mmu/lib/unload.g"
That unload command is the first place where things go wrong:
;unloads the filament path
M98 P"mmu/lib/check-loaded-state.g"
; first case is something is loaded in toolhead, either properly or slipped past the selector sensor
; either way, we want to clear the toolhead
if global.mmu_loaded_state = 3 || global.mmu_loaded_state = 1
;sanity check the temperature and make sure we are at the current lane's temperature
if global.mmu_lane_temp[global.mmu_selector_pos] <= 180
abort "Unload.g: Cannot unload due to temperature."
G10 P{global.mmu_tool_number} S{global.mmu_lane_temp[global.mmu_selector_pos]} ;set tool temp
M116 P{global.mmu_tool_number} ;wait for tool head temp to be correct
G1 E{-global.mmu_ram_length} F{global.mmu_extruder_fast_speed} ;retract from hotend and wait to cool a bit
G4 P5000
;unload to filament sensor by bumping then checking sensors
var unload = global.mmu_extruder_unload
while var.unload > 0
G1 E{-global.mmu_filament_bump} F{global.mmu_extruder_load_speed}
M98 P"mmu/lib/check-loaded-state.g"
if global.mmu_loaded_state = 2
set var.unload = var.unload - global.mmu_filament_bump
if global.mmu_loaded_state = 3 || global.mmu_loaded_state = 1
abort "Unload.g: Could not unload toolhead"
That last abort there is where my macro is failing out before my physical printer has even finished the layer it is printing... If you could it up, that's about 2 servo moves, 3 gantry moves and at least 10 extruder moves that are supposed to happen before it gets to that conditional.
if I replace that first M400 in with an M598, then it gets further in the stack... in this way I added M598s before all conditionals to attempt to workaround this problem, but the behaviour is still extremely strange, and doesn't explain the high-feedrate move...
Hi everyone,
I'm but a simple FDM printer guy trying to use RRF to run my Voron printer. This has had some hurdles for sure because Klipper is the go-to there but I knew RRF from the early days of FDM so I kept going down this path. I just recently updated to 3.50 RC3 (on an STM port of duet)
I have constructed a multi-material unit for my printer and been busy putting together a library of macros to allow automated filament changes. I happily tested these macros in isolation through DWC and everything was working great. Finally today was the first test on a slicer-generated Gcode that called on my macros, and then all hell broke loose. Despite a number of M400 commands scattered in the code, my macros would fail out on conditionals 10-15s ahead of the movements that should have preceded them.
Because I am using an STM port, I asked on the discord there and it appears that my issue is the multiple motion system. The documentation suggests that the way it works is that when a macro is loaded BOTH motion systems run it, searching for any M596 commands to allow it to queue up a move command for the appropriate motion system. However, what is not defined is the behavior in respect to non-motion commands and meta commands, because it seems that indeed both systems will run this which is why my aborts were happening. In fact, those aborts are often happening on both streams close enough that I get the abort message twice!
I find it a bit hard to believe that this is the intended behaviour of the MMS... Even if the point is to allow the two systems to deconflict, it completely changes the way you have to write a macro in order to ensure that multiple asynchronous runs of the same metacommands don't interfere with each other. A lot of my operations happen on global variables which suddenly become non-deterministic when run in two streams. Especially in my case, where I have no need or desire for a second motion stream, it seems like the default behaviour should be for the second stream to do nothing at all unless otherwise commanded.
Effectively it means my days of macro coding are currently unusable, because at the moment I can't see any way to stop the second stream running. I can place M598s everywhere which fixes conditionals but doesn't stop things like loops going haywire. I tried reducing the queue length of the second command queue to zero but that doesn't appear to work, and its not clear that would affect metacommands anyway.
I did try the M598 method and it worked for one toolchange, only to end up in near-catastophe on the second change when something went wrong with the queue and a G0 command was executed at an insane feedrate above all preset limits causing a massive skip.
I hope I am just missing something here and there is a way to disable the MMS system because I'm at my wits end here. Any thoughts?