Well M3D FINALLY responded. 3 weeks after their last response. Absolutely ridiculous. But too late, as I’ve already sent my board to Filastruder. I love you, Filastruder!!!!

Posts made by srgallagher13
RE: M3D no response
RE: M3D no response
I wish I could just exchange this maestro for a WiFi and pay the difference (and shipping)
RE: M3D no response
@dragonn yes I checked. Nothing shows up like it used to.
RE: M3D no response
The problem is that Bossa never shows up. SAM-BA doesn’t see it either. It’s like there isn’t anything at all plugged into the usb at all. Tried many cables and many USB ports.
RE: M3D no response
@dc42 they sent me this email on February 20th. That’s the last I heard from anyone at M3D. I’ve even posted in their discord and still haven’t gotten a response from any employee.
Is there another way to recover this Maestro after using the erase jumper? If I could get this board alive and working, it sure would be nice to never have to work with M3D ever again! I shoulda just spent the extra $50 and got a duet 2 WiFi
RE: M3D no response
@dc42 did they contact you? They said they were going to.
RE: M3D no response
I had bought the duet maestro. Is M3D just considered a reseller of that board? I thought it was actually their board, partnered with duet3d... I hope I’m wrong about that!
But yeah I’ve definitely opened a ticket or two requesting an exchange through the warranty. Sent a few emails to the David person that emailed me last week. Even called the number this morning. Nothing.
M3D no response
I was in contact with someone at M3D about swapping my board under warranty, but haven’t heard back from them since last Wednesday, despite my attempts to get a response. Are they all on vacation or closed or what? Does anyone know? Who else could I contact about this?
RE: DWC access not working? D2 Maestro
That stinks. I’ve contacted M3D. I appreciate your help!
RE: DWC access not working? D2 Maestro
@dc42 the ports-com isn’t there right now. I could be wrong, but I think I’ve noticed it only shows up when I have something (USB) connected, right? Cause I’ve had the device manager open before (a few days ago) ready to look for that section, and it didn’t pop up until I plugged the board in. It’s not doing that now.
I’m not too familiar with windows. I use the Mac for 95% of my computer needs
RE: DWC access not working? D2 Maestro
@dc42 I am using windows 7. I did try rebooting it. I have a MacBook in the house that I haven’t tried yet.
I first tried: Plug into usb. Install jumper on erase pins for a few seconds. Remove jumper. Press reset. Remove USB. wait. Plug in usb...... Nothing.
Then tried: install jumper. Plug into usb. Remove jumper. Press reset. Remove usb. Wait. Plug usb in......... Nothing
Then I tried to hold the reset as I plugged in the usb..... still nothing.
RE: Maestro on Ender 3
@dc42 it was. After no reply here, I had assumed that maybe I had posted the question in the wrong category. I’ve replied there.
RE: DWC access not working? D2 Maestro
@dc42 I’m afraid it may be a little late for that.
I was following through this guide:
I got through the steps to erase the board, And now I can’t get the board to connect to any com on my computer. I’ve tried multiple USB ports and multiple USB cords. The cord that came with the board was working perfect until now. I don’t believe that’s to blame.When I plug in with the USB, the usual LEDs come on like normal.
DWC access not working? D2 Maestro
Brand new set up; maestro on my ender 3.
For a few hours, I had access to the web conroller just fine. Then as I was trying to configure some motor directions, I had to press the emergency stop. I have since been unable to connect! I’ve tried reinstalling the firmware. Re configured everything fresh. Still nothing.
If I’m connected via USB and I’m in YAT, the m552 shows that the network is enabled and it gives me an IP. Under these same conditions, I can access the DWC. But when I disconnect from USB and turn on the printer, DWC disconnects and will not ever reconnect. I can see in my router that the printer IS connected, and it has an IP address there, but it just will not open in my browser!Please help! I am at such a loss here.
RE: Maestro on Ender 3
Well now I can’t maintain web control connection at all. If I have the printer powered off, and the USB is connected, then I can access web control! But of course, the status is “off” so there ain’t much I can do. Once I switch on the main power, I completely lose connection!! Even my router says that my ender is “disconnected”
What gives?
Maestro on Ender 3
I’m trying to set this maestro up on my ender. So far nothing has gone right. I went through the firmware configuration, to the best of my ability. Most answers I wasn’t too sure on. Then I finally got to the web interface. Tried homing my axis, and the X and Y will move about 10mm then stop. I press home again. Same thing. So I press home Z, and it starts to move the gantry down and once it hits my end stop, it keeps trying and clicking, and won’t stop until I hit the emergency stop.
So, for one, I strongly need assistance getting this set up properly!
And my second issue is, whenever I press the emergency stop button, I have the hardest time getting this machine to reconnect to the web interface! I first try to wait.... nothing... I have tried the reset button, and nope. Sometimes, removing power and resetting that way has worked. But this most recent time, I’ve had to just remove the SD card and load in fresh config files before I could actually regain connection! Whyyyyyy! Lol.
I’ve spent hours all weekend searching through the forums and on google. The Maestro is seriously lacking support. It’s all WiFi this and WiFi that! Ugh.
Feeling helpless.