@dc42 thanks for your answer. i think i will write a little python-script to posprocess the g-code.

Posts made by spllg
RE: duet3 6hc servo control
duet3 6hc servo control
i'm thinking of creating a servo motor controlled part cooler.
my question: (how) is it possible to configure (m563 ..) part cooling to use a servo motor like a part cooling fan?
thanks for your answer.
RE: i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
@dc42 thanks for your answer. as i am using an official rpi psu a ground loop should not be an issue and my rpi should not be in danger.
still kind of concerned.
rgds, g.
RE: i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
@spllg no, it's not correct - https://docs.duet3d.com/Duet3D_hardware/Duet_3_family/Duet_3_Mainboard_6HC_Hardware_Overview : Alternatively, the SBC can provide 5V for the Duet using the "SBC -> 5V" jumper. Note that the Duet's in-built protection is bypassed. In this case the "5V->SBC" and the "SBC->5V*" jumpers should both be fitted, but remove the jumper from "Int 5V EN".
i have jumpered it accordingly and hopefully my rpi will survive with this configuration.
RE: i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
@dc42 just to be sure: in order to power the 6hc 5v from the pi the jumpering is
internal 5v en = open, 5v -> sbc = open, sbc -> 5v = closed
is this correct?
RE: i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
@oliof could the death of 2 rpis be related to the fact that i have a Duet 3 MB6HC v1.0 (newer boards seem to have a different 5v powering design).
RE: i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
- the rpi is powered by the genuine rpi powersupply
- the duet is powered via internal 5v (jumpers: internal 5v en = closed, 5v -> sbc = open, sbc -> 5v = open)
- after printing ~1hour none of the rpi-chis is hot - i could touch it with a finger for a long time, so i guess, the temperature is below 45-50 C
i forgot to mention -
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.4.5 ELECTRONICS: Duet 3 MB6HC v1.0 or earlier FIRMWARE_DATE: 2022-11-30 19:35:23
RE: i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
cooling: heat sinks without fan - going to check temperature tonight
plugged devices: camera + hdmi display -
RE: i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
@oliof that' what i'm already considering but eve if the rpi will be bootable from usb after it refuses booting from sd card this will not cure the root cause of my issue.
RE: i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
- powering: i will check later today.
- shutdown: i connect to the rpi using ssh and execute 'shutdown -h 0' on it before i cut off power.
forgot to mention: the two dead rpis do not boot from any other sd-card but a new rpi booted from the sd card of the dead rpis.
i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
i'm afraid my next raspberry pi is going to die soon.
- sporadic loss of wifi connection. the connection will be restored after ~1 minute.
- sporadic loss of connection rpi -> mb6hc. the connection will be restored after several seconds.
i have already lost 2 raspberries in conjunction with my duet3 board. death has announced itself in the same way as described above.
i am operating 2 other raspberries for years without interruption and never observed any loss of wifi connection.
what can i do to protect my raspberry?
thanks in advance for your answer.
RE: straight lines are (no longer) straight
@Veti when i last had removed the belts everything moved without resistance but i'll check when a find enough time and energy after my bread and butte job.
RE: straight lines are (no longer) straight
@mrehorstdmd no, it's got fiberglass belts as.
RE: straight lines are (no longer) straight
we can see the head moving in x and y direction where it should not move in these directions.
RE: straight lines are (no longer) straight
thanks for your answer.
we checked and did not find any issue.
the strange thing is that that 2 lines (left and bottom) are fairly straight while the other 2 lines (right and top) are crooked. because it's a core xy printer this makes us think that the issue might be related to the direction of rotation of the steppers.
have you got any further hints?
RE: straight lines are (no longer) straight
@Veti it's a self made printer (blv mgn). what do you suggest to check/fix?
straight lines are (no longer) straight
sorry for this new request for help ..
we just have experienced that straight lines are (no longer) straight but kind of crooked in x- and in y-direction.
see attached image.
we tested using cura 4.7.1 and slic3r 1.3.0
is there a known solution for this issue?
tia for any assistance.
RE: my second raspberry has just passed away
@bearer going to to it this way and hoping the next rpi will survive for longer than 4 months - otherwise i think it would be best to go without an rpi - lost functionality but no rpi.
sorry for any inconvenience ..
RE: my second raspberry has just passed away
@bearer i was told )by a person who knows how to operate the duet device) to do it this way. just wanted to point out that i lose functionality when following his advice.
RE: my second raspberry has just passed away
@spllg if i power the rpi form the duet i will loose the ability to switch the duet psu on using the web interface. any suggestions?