At this time I convert my pinter single nozzle BLV mgn Cube to tool changer Jubilee system, I'had update RRF3.1.1.
During my tests I had experiment an strange bug, when i click on my marco one time for go to be in line position whit tool0 parking I see printer arm go to take tool0 on old line parking position, it was been X285 Y277 in past and dont exist anymore in my marco the new one is X132 Y277, when I click in my macro second time the good sequence is play.
Here my marco to take tool0:
; tpost0.g
; called after firmware thinks Tool0 is selected
; Note: tool offsets are applied at this point!
M116 P0 ; Wait for set temperatures to be reached
; Note that commands preempted with G53 will NOT apply the tool offset.
M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_unlock.g" ; Unlock the tool
G53 G0 X132 Y277 F7000 ; Rapid to the approach position without any current tool.
M564 S0
;M302 P0 ; Prevent Cold Extrudes, just in case temp setpoints are at 0
;G1 E10 F100 ; Purge the Nozzle
;G4 S1 ; Slight Delay
;G1 E-1.0 F2000 ; Perform a retract to remove filament pressure.
G91 ; Set Relative Movements
G1 Z3 ; Pop the Z up slightly to avoid scraping carriage limit switch on pull-back for early layers.
; Also clear any dangling debris on purge towers.
G90 ; Restore Absolute Movements
G53 G1 Y357 F6000
G53 G1 Y357.5 F6000
M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_lock.g" ; Lock the tool
M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_lock.g" ; Lock the tool
M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_lock.g" ; Lock the tool
M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_lock.g" ; Lock the tool
G53 G1 Y277 F6000 ; Retract the entire tool and wipe Backwards.
;G53 G1 Y336 F10000 ; Wipe Forwards.
;G53 G1 Y296 F10000 ; Wipe Backwards.
;G53 G1 Y336 F10000 ; Wipe Forwards.
;G53 G1 Y296 F10000 ; Wipe Backwards.
M564 S1
G1 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Restore prior position now accounting for new tool offset
M106 R2 ; restore print cooling fan speed
I tried to find where come from the problem, It's when I had execute commands one by one I have locate where is the problem, at begin of my marco I have it:
; tpost0.g
; called after firmware thinks Tool0 is selected
; Note: tool offsets are applied at this point!
M116 P0 ; Wait for set temperatures to be reached
; Note that commands preempted with G53 will NOT apply the tool offset.
M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_unlock.g" ; Unlock the tool
G53 G0 X132 Y277 F7000 ; Rapid to the approach position without any current tool.
When 'G53 G0 X132 Y277 F7000' is execute at line 12 the pinter arm go to X285 Y277, if I move 'G91' from line 8 to line 13 like this all working fine it go to X132 Y277:
M98 P"/macros/ToolChanger/tool_unlock.g"
G53 G0 X132 Y277 F7000
I dont think is normal comportement and I think I can have some issus with that in the future. Maybe that can be an interesting bug for @dc42 .
Thank you.