Before 100% blaming the board, it might be a plan to try the following.
1. Try another known working USB data cable
2. Make sure you are plugged into a rear direct USB 2.0 port
3. Depending on the O/S on the PC USB can be a bitch to get bossa to be recognised.
As I know I have inadvertently picked up any available USB cable I have had laying around only to find its not a true data cable but a charge cable only.
On the second point if you use a front USB i have found that they do not transmit either power or data very well compared to the USB port directly mounted to the motherboard, and i have also had a Duet board refuse to talk to my win 10 PC if i use a USB 3.0 port compared to a USB 2.0
On point three try another laptop or PC mircosoft's O/S's are know for being fussy, there is a reason many engineering firms and the military are still using win XP ….
Failing that and having 100% properly installed the correct drivers then and only then blame the hardware, in which case you can be rest assured that if there is a fault that you will be looked after.
before blaming people you have to known who he is.
left one my xperia phone's cable. i connect my phone to computer and download my picture from phone with these cable. middle came from filastruder. other one my spare cable.
this is my MSi. it has 3x3.0 usb 2x2.0 usb i tried all usb
this has 8 usb(usb 3.0 and 2.0). i tried all of them
this is my sony vaio 2x3.0 usb. all trieded
this one my old computer it has only 4 usb 2.0. i tried all
i paid 400 dolar this system and i want to use. do you have any solution or you are going to blame customers.