Thank you for that fast support. I appreciate it so much .
Posts made by Scara_Arm
RE: How can i test a Tool ?
How can i test a Tool ?
i want to apply a clay extruder to my printer. The clay feeding system has 2 stepper with a tool mix ratio.config(1).g
Does anyone know how i can test the Tool to extrude some clay ?
Scara cant save the endstop
MY Scara Printer has worked fine but now he cant save the entstops. I have nothing changed. My Printer is trying to probe the endstops of all 3 axes and after that he is probing the same axes and cant get out of this endstop probing loop
My config looks like this
config (2).g -
RE: Cant connect DM542t to Duet2
The Motor is spinning. I had to swap the ENA+ and ENA- cable
RE: Cant connect DM542t to Duet2
i have set the M669 timing only on the Expansion Board Driver D5
M569 P5 S1 R0 T2.5:2.5:5:5
RE: Cant connect DM542t to Duet2
Thank you so much for your lightning fast response.
My config looks like this:
config (4).g
to Test the motor I run this macro but nothing happens; Test motors
M117 TEST E1
M584 X5
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
;M201 Y1000
G1 H2 X50 F5000
G1 H2 X-50 7000
G1 H2 X50 F10000
G1 H2 X-50 2000
M584 X0 Y1 Z2 E3:5 U4 -
RE: Cant connect DM542t to Duet2
Do you Know if the Wiring with the expansion board is correct?wiring1.pdf
I cant move the motor
RE: Cant connect DM542t to Duet2
@jay_s_uk Thanks a lot for your reply, i will test it soon.
Cant connect DM542t to Duet2
i want to connect a Nema23 with external power supply and a dm542t as Driver to my Duet2 but the steppermotor spins only in one direction. If i test the Motor with forward and backward motion the motor turns forward and when it sould turn to the backward direction, it is also going forward but a little bit slower.
Can anyone help me with this problem?
If i connect a nema 17 direct to the Duet2 it works normally.
Maybe some grounding issue?
The wiring looks like this: