i have smart effector ver 4 and super 5 card
M558 P8 H5 F1000 T16000 R0.2 S0.04 A7 C"^c.15+c.14"
the G32 works fine then when i do G29 i get this error
Error: G29: Probe already triggered before probing move started
please help
i have smart effector ver 4 and super 5 card
M558 P8 H5 F1000 T16000 R0.2 S0.04 A7 C"^c.15+c.14"
the G32 works fine then when i do G29 i get this error
Error: G29: Probe already triggered before probing move started
please help
@Phaedrux done thanks for your support
i bought it from digitmakers.ca on 7 jan 2025
@dc42 said in smart effector ver 4 147 it flashes 9 times:
@sankafola are you able to measure the voltage between the Vcc and Gnd pins on the underside of the effector safely? That would remove the possibility of a bad crimp connection. Leave the 6-pin connector not connected as in your photo.
i messuered voltage while the connector is on the smart effector and it was 5 v and i took the connector off and messure between the pin 1 ( VCC) and the GND and its 5v
note: i also tried to take the mod off and its the same still flashing 9 times
@dc42 please let me know if i need to do more testing , i did try with and without the mod but its the same still 9 flashes
@dc42 if i leave the connector off where it will get the power from ? the power getting from pin 1 in the connector to the SE no ? \
connector is plugged then between VCC and GND is 5v if the connector off no voltage
i check the voltage from pin 1 to pin 3 while the connector is off its same 5v
@dc42 hi , its bran new i just installed it , do you want me to messure voltage on the smart effector ? if yes from where to where
@droftarts i also checked the voltage between the VCC and the GND and i have 5v there and LED is lit because there is voltage Unless you telling me the smart effector taking the VCC in another location beside this one ,
@droftarts yes i see the cause as missing power but am putting 3.3v or 5v and both still cause the LED to flash 9 times
note: am connecting everything direct including the fans and the thirmister and the heater and the only connector on the smart effector connected is one have vcc 3.3v or 5v
and getting still 9 flashes of the LED!
@droftarts but am putting on pin VCC the 3.3 v or the 5v , and how else the LED is light on if no VCC ?
i have issue with my smart effector ver 4 147 it flashes 9 times
voltage connected is 3.3 v or 5v it flashes 9 times
on a delta predator and Mellow fly super 5
happy new year
1-i copied the M3291 macro from the post you made if you have a link to download it from github please provide
2-so the normal operation is the cam will take let say 100 pic and at the end it will make a mp4 video , what setting in the duetlapse.config that ask for that ?
minivideo and max video ?
3-am able to move the head and pause no issue but the camera takes the pic not while the head in pause or moved to the place i asked to be moved to its random so i wonder if am missing a setting in the config
-basedir /home/pi/DuetLapse
-port 8082
-seconds 30
-extratime 500
-minvideo 3
-maxvideo 30
-pause yes
-movehead 10 10
-camera1 stream
-detect layer
I didn’t know that I need to edit the M3291 I will check that out
One question is the editing of the M3291 will make the camera take the pic when the printer head is moved and paused or it’s another setting because I search for that part in the document but couldn’t find it
i only want it to take the pic while the printer head is moved to postion as in the config and paused
Thanks for your patience
1- my config file
-basedir /home/pi/DuetLapse
-port 8082
-seconds 30
-detect none
-camera1 stream
the command i use is python3 ./DuetLapse3.py -file DuetLapse3.config
and my command for the videostream as follow
sudo python3 ./videostream.py -port 80 -camera 0 -size 4 -format MJPG -host -rotate 180![Screenshot 2023-12-30 at
2- am not sure how to use the M3291 yet am only using the config file above
3- i tried to attach the complete log file but its giving me error here is a part of it
2023-12-30 10:18:26,574 - mainLoop - Time - Camera1: capturing frame 109 at layer 82 after 30 seconds
2023-12-30 10:18:32,448 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:18:32,450 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:18:37,516 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:18:37,520 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:18:42,783 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:18:42,785 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:18:47,997 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:18:47,999 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:18:53,531 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:18:53,532 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:18:58,663 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:18:58,664 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:18:58,728 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:18:58,728 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:18:58,729 - mainLoop - Time - Camera1: capturing frame 110 at layer 83 after 30 seconds
2023-12-30 10:19:04,721 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:19:04,722 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:19:09,811 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:19:09,812 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:19:14,931 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:19:14,934 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:19:20,064 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:19:20,067 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:19:25,205 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:19:25,208 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:19:30,296 - mainLoop - Error Processing message queue
2023-12-30 10:19:30,297 - mainLoop - 'global'
2023-12-30 10:19:30,298 - mainLoop - ****** Duet status changed to: idle from processing *****
2023-12-30 10:19:30,299 - mainLoop - ****** Print State changed to: Completed from Capturing*****
2023-12-30 10:19:30,300 - mainLoop - Print Job Completed
2023-12-30 10:19:30,301 - mainLoop - nextAction is available
2023-12-30 10:19:30,302 - nextAction - ++++++ completed state requested ++++++
2023-12-30 10:19:30,303 - mainLoop - Exiting captureLoop
2023-12-30 10:19:32,806 - makeVideo - Create Video from /home/pi/DuetLapse/raspberrypi/10-0-1-126/1829_1_Body4
2023-12-30 10:19:32,807 - terminate - Terminating
2023-12-30 10:19:32,808 - nextAction - ++++++ Entering terminate state ++++++
2023-12-30 10:19:32,809 - terminate - captureLoop is not running
2023-12-30 10:19:32,809 - nextAction - nextAction exiting normally
2023-12-30 10:19:32,810 - terminate - Wait for video to complete
2023-12-30 10:19:32,811 - makeVideo - Error: Camera1: Cannot create video shorter than 5 second(s).
Length would have been 3.6666666666666665 second(s).
2023-12-30 10:19:32,812 - makeVideo - frame = 110 thisfps = 30.0 fps = 30 maxvideo = 0 minvideo = 5
2023-12-30 10:19:36,442 - Thread-361 - !!!!! http call: {'displayStatus': ['true']} !!!!!
2023-12-30 10:19:37,817 - terminate - ********* Waiting for makeVideo thread to finish *********
2023-12-30 10:19:37,817 - terminate - makeVideo is not running
2023-12-30 10:19:37,818 - terminate - nextAction is available
2023-12-30 10:19:37,818 - terminate - ***** Cleaning up files for phase: terminate *****
2023-12-30 10:19:37,904 - terminate - mainLoop is not running
2023-12-30 10:19:37,943 - terminate - !!!!! http listener stopped !!!!!
2023-12-30 10:19:37,944 - terminate - Program Terminated
2023-12-30 10:19:37,945 - terminate - isPlugin ignored - only valid for SBC
2023-12-30 10:19:37,945 - terminate - !!!!! Forced Termination !!!!!
i did print a small part and got 100 pic but no video was made , how to turn that on to make a video at the end ? because i see only that i can press on snapshot before the end of the print , how do i change my setting to make a video at the end ? you see this in the log " make video is not running "
another question how can i make the camera take a pic only when the head is moved to the postion in the config file
-basedir /home/pi/DuetLapse
-port 8082
-seconds 30
-extratime 5
-minvideo 3
-maxvideo 30
-pause yes
-movehead 10 10
-camera1 stream
-detect layer
am looking for these documents how to do that movie because none is created at the end of the print , so i need to change some setting maybe in the Duet
Lapse config file or in the M3291 if you can just point me where to get these info to start to use it right way , thanks
great so i have a working system now maybe i should make a youtube short one on my channel to show how to do it , i never found a video explaining ,
now for the pic taken i take that and i put them together with a someftware like final cut to be like a movie clip right ?
another question about the m3291 as i understand this one make the printer take the head away from the printed area and then the duetlapse take a pic right? if yes then this is not working now in my setup unless there is extra setting to activate that in duetlapse.config
i finally was able to install opencv ver on it and now video stream works right
now i will try the duetlapse the file you gave me on 20 dec
its like 90% working
and this while printing , there are some errors but i see the images in the dir and it keep coming while printing , even with no printing it keep coming here is my command i used and it worked finaly to install opencv
sudo pip install opencv-python==
and to make videostream ver 2.1 works with ribbon cam
sudo python3 ./videostream.py -port 80 -camera 0 -size 4 -format MJPG -host
now that is a Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
i tried on pc and same exact issues so am back to PI and the ribbon cam will keep trying until you have time
is it easier to install the duetlapse on videostream on window 10 ? or a mac ?