@Maestro would it be possible to use this type of connector? Like I conenct the one u cable to the psu and connect this to the wago connector, which is a 1 in 2 out? Would this work? Does the psu also pushout the wattage go to each cable? Like here, https://www.amazon.com/GKEEMARS-Electrical-Connectors-Splicing-Terminal/dp/B09VRTBFTT/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2916GR814BXLZ&keywords=9+wago+connector+1+in+2+out&qid=1689177809&sprefix=9wago+connector+1+in+2+out%2Caps%2C241&sr=8-3. Would this work?
I am hoping to use a 600 or a 900w power supply. So I don’t know if it would short out the splicing terminal.
Thank you for all of the suggestions!