@Luke-sLaboratory Hi Luke, did you manage to get Klipper working on the Duet 3 6HC board? Thanks!

Posts made by rockydubb
RE: Klipper on Duet 3 Mainboard
RE: Tuning Macros Menus (Accel, Jerk, Retraction, Pressure Advance)
Hi, i tried using the macro's and any i choose give me the following error:
M98 P"0:/macros/Phaedrux Tuning Macro's/Diagnostics/Allow unhomed moves" Warning: Macro file 0:/macros/Phaedrux Tuning Macros/Diagnostics/Allow unhomed moves not found
I cant remember now, but if i was to modify the M98 P command it gave warning with ... than it would work. I read it on another post on this forum long time ago ... something with removing the 0:? or something ..
But even if i was to lets say make a macro in the main folder lets say ... and than move it into a folder. i get this same error ....
If i first make a folder and than create the new macro file in there, it works fine afterwards ... this error only happens with macro's that are imported and/or moved.
RE: Missing a 101 for Dummies for accelerometer - input shaping.
Yeah i have had my LIS3DH accelerometer setup and plugged into my 6HC now for 2 months ... i got the Input Shaper Plugin that was just linked above, and the one talked about on the duet wiki thats built in ... i can not make heads or tails of it ...
I am able to record using the latest plugin .. but i dont understand the results and how to interpret them .
RE: Bent E3D Hemera Zodiac Bi-Metallic Heatbreak
@engikeneer Thanks for the info... i ended up using my metal ruler and than slowley applied pressure slowwwwwwly ...
it took like 2 hours but i got it back straight and it is printing and working great! Thanks again for the info.
Bent E3D Hemera Zodiac Bi-Metallic Heatbreak
Hi guys, I just got a $65 Bi-metallic heatbreak for my E3D Hemera, using it on my Ender 5 Plus/Supervolcano.... and I had a bad nozzle to bed crash and the thing is now bent ... in the past i have had this issue with the titanium heatbreak and when i have tried to bend it back straight Immediately while hotend is hot ... it snaps and breaks ....
Should i wait until the heater block is fully cool than try bending it back straight? or is it better to do it while hot? This thing was super expensive so i really do not want to break another one ...
RE: Klipper on Duet 3 Mainboard
@luke-slaboratory Wow, okay great to hear you guys are working on it. Thanks for letting me know! I'll be looking forward to trying it out once its ready. Thanks for the update!
RE: [Duet 3 mini 5+/6HC] Accelerometer not found on specified port
@dc42 Great! Sounds good. Thanks so much for the prompt reply!
RE: [Duet 3 mini 5+/6HC] Accelerometer not found on specified port
@dc42 Hi, I’m having the same issue with the accelerometer not being found. I cut the cable in half and then it was found. But I had to wrap the CS wire in tinfoil.
I’m going to go to the electronics store and purchase the resistor you’re talking about I just needed to know one thing. They sell the 100 ohm 1K resistor but in different wattages.
They have: 1/4 W, 1/2 W, 1 W, 2W 100 ohm 1k resistors …
Which one can I purchase?
RE: Klipper on Duet 3 Mainboard
@luke-slaboratory Hi, did anyone get around to getting the Duet 3 6HC board to work with Klipper successfully?? Ive been searching since last night on how to get this working just to try it out ... but no luck. Thanks.,