Thanks guys, I appreciate the tips! CaLviNx, extra thanks for the link to filefiarm, I hadn't stumbled across their site yet.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the tips! CaLviNx, extra thanks for the link to filefiarm, I hadn't stumbled across their site yet.
I'm currently building a new 3D printer and am very interesting in using the Duet Wifi board.
Ideally I'd like to power as much as the hardware as I can with 24 volts but I'm also very interesting in using the MK-42 heatbed (<https:"" en="" home="" 161-mk42.html="">). The issue that concerns me is that this heatbed is designed to be powered by 12v 140W.
Assuming that this heatbed cannot handle a 24v feed without burning up, I'm trying to determine some alternative wiring options.
One thought is to place a 24v-to-12v step-down buck converter between the heatbed output (on the duet wifi) and the heatbed, but I suspect this would surpass the max 18A current the Duet Wifi board can handle.
The other potential solution I see is using a power supply with both 24v and 12v rails, then signaling a power relay to turn the heatbed on and off via a signal from the Duet Wifi board.
I'm curious as to how others using a Duet Wifi might go about solving this issue aside from giving up and moving to a 24v silicone heater.
Thank you to anyone with tips or thoughts!
Rob Chevalier</https:>