I received this sequence of faults today:
Error: Heater 1 fault: exceeded allowed temperature excursion: target 210.0°C actual 194.4°C
Warning: Tool 0 was not driven because its heater temperatures were not high enough or it has a heater fault
It happened twice on the same file at a time where there was a high and consistent volumetric flow. I restarted the print after the first time.
The second time it got to a similar stage in the file the error triggered again. This time I cleared the error and continued printing and observed the extruder heater. To my surprise it couldn't hold temp, it kept steadily decreasing throughout this part of the print. This time the temp didn't go low enough to trigger and once the volumetric flow reduced the heater got back up to temp and the rest of the print was fine.
For reference I am using a dragon HF with a 40W heater @12v with a 0.6mm copper nozzle. The volumetric flow for this print was from 1.060 mm^3/s to 20.650 mm^3/s. The section where it stopped was running about 19-20 mm^3/s.
I have since re-calibrated my heater and hopefully it doesn't happen again. Is there something else I could be doing to give me more stable temperatures in the future?