I have not been able to reach the web interface in my Chrome browser, apparently I have a connection problem with WiFi, or my router may be blocking something.
Here is what I have tried:
1. Windows laptop running Windows 7 Home
2. Installed YAP terminal program to communicate with Duet WiFi.
3. Proper lights come on when USB plugged into board (5V, 3,3V, USB power, Diag are on, ESP Prog flashed green once).
4. Connected using YAP to:
Sent M115 to verify software version 1.19 installed
Used M552 S0 to turn on WiFi
Sent M503 and received "; Configuration file for testing Duet Ethernet and Wifi with V1.19 firmware<lf>"</lf>
Used M587 to set network and password
Used M552 S1 to verify access point was correct
Used M552 to confirm connection and obtain IP address
Launched Chrome web browser and entered in address bar -received timeout because there was no response
Launched another Chrome Browser tab and entered received timeout message
Launched another Chrome Browser tab and entered https://duet3d.com/wiki/Getting_connected_to_the_Duet_WiFi - did connect to the Wiki
5. At this point I restarted laptop and Duet WiFi and repeated above steps with same result.
Any ideas on what I can do to access the web interface? Looks like I cannot do anything without access to the interface. Is it possible to connect to the web interface using the usb connection?
Thanks for your help!