Having a couple extra Duet 3 Mainboards sounds like a fun problem to have

Best posts made by raykholo
RE: Option to use Duet 3 MB6HC as Expansion board
RE: Laser/ CNC Support in RRF - gCode Semantics
Smoothieware gives the cleanest corners when cutting we have seen. To the best of my knowledge it is handling the calculations for acceleration, deceleration, speed, and respective laser power pwm on each step generated.
The PWM rate is proportional to the speed, so the power to the tube is, but the CO2 tube doesn't respond in a linear way, so it's not perfect.
RE: Duet 3 with E3D Toolchanger setup - small Stepper Motor question
It sounds like OP wants to use the 6 high power stepper drivers on the Duet 3 for other purposes, and is essentially asking whether he can tap a stepstick into some IO pins directly on the Duet 3 Mainboard.
You are saying that this is not possible, and that you have to use the 6 onboard drivers and that a 3HC (or 1LC) expansion board is the only way to do more stepper drivers - is my understanding correct?