@cosmowave that worked to slow down the blower thanks!

Best posts made by RatRig0331
RE: Adding a Cpap blower to a duet 3 mini 5+
Latest posts made by RatRig0331
RE: Only probe where the part will be printed
@OwenD i think i kinda figured it out i changed a few things in your mesh.g, it still acts odd at the end but it works without crashing the probe now. after the mesh it wants to go to the center of the bed, than dock the probe, than center of the bed, than undock the probe, than probe datum z, than dock the probe.
; set Z = 0 to centre of probe area
; echo "Call deployprobe.g macro"
M401 P0 ; This runs macro file deployprobe
G1 X{var.ProbeCenterX- sensors.probes[0].offsets[0]} Y{var.ProbeCenterY- sensors.probes[0].offsets[1]} Z{sensors.probes[0].diveHeight+5} F600
echo "Mesh probing"
M557 X{var.m557MinX,var.m557MaxX} Y{var.m557MinY,var.m557MaxY} P{var.ProbeNumX,var.ProbeNumY} F9000
if result != 0
abort "ERROR: could not create mesh"
G29 S0
if result != 0
abort "ERROR: Mesh probing failed"
echo "Mesh probing successful. Loading mesh.."
G1 H2 Z30 F2000 ; lift Z relative to current position to clear any obstructions
; set Z = 0 to centre of probe area
echo "Reset Z datum in mesh centre"
G1 X{var.ProbeCenterX - sensors.probes[0].offsets[0]} Y{var.ProbeCenterY - sensors.probes[0].offsets[1]} Z{sensors.probes[0].diveHeight+5} F600
G1 H2 Z30 F2000 ; lift Z relative to current position to clear any obstructions
; echo "Call retractprobe.g macro"
M402 P0 ; retract probe
G30 -
RE: Only probe where the part will be printed
@OwenD so I had things working well with your help last using a bl touch I switched to a euclid probe and I started having odd issues all I did was add probe undock at the start and dock at the end. When I run a g29 out of program for the default bed mesh it gets the probe moves to bed center pauses than starts to move to the right rear corner well coming up with the bed driving it into the probe giving it a false trigger that going down to the front left corner and starts to bed mesh as it should. The new probe location is center on x from the nozzle and 35mm behind it on y. This seems to be the last bug I need to fix before I can test run a print. I debuged g28, homez, and my auto teach nozzle offset macro, I just need to fix the auto mesh
RE: Only probe where the part will be printed
@owend changing my bed.g to this seems to have helped
M561 ; clear any bed transform
G30 P0 X10 Y30 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 1
G30 P1 X60 Y80 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 1
G30 P2 X110 Y130 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 1
G30 P3 X160 Y180 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 1
G30 P4 X240 Y480 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 2
G30 P5 X240 Y430 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 2
G30 P6 X240 Y380 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 2
G30 P7 X240 Y330 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 2
G30 P8 X470 Y30 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 3
G30 P9 X420 Y80 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 3
G30 P10 X370 Y130 Z-99999 ; probe near leadscrew 3
G30 P11 X320 Y180 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near leadscrew 3 and calibrate 3 motorsM280 P0 S160 ; clear and reset BL touch
G1 Z10 F300
G29 S1 ; probe the bed and enable compensation -
RE: Only probe where the part will be printed
@owend I have a Theory to why it’s crashing. My 3 point bed leveling before the new smaller mesh on my 500x500mm bed is just too much of a difference from the outter most points of the bed level to the new inner smaller point bed mesh. I manually moved the three probe points much closer the the center and the mesh looks quite a bit better as well as flatter with less extreams. My z changed quite a bit with this new bed level as well by almost .45mm.
Is there a way to auto ajust the bed level points to be in the same area of the auto bed mesh?
RE: Only probe where the part will be printed
@owend I’m getting some mix results with the bed mesh either works out great or works out horrible with driving my nozzle right into the bed I don’t know is doing a 3 point axis bed level is messing with the bed mesh or the last z offset probe touch
RE: how to turn off all fans at the end of print
@norder oooo how would I assign additional cooling for PLA?
RE: how to turn off all fans at the end of print
@norder no that helps thanks I use both super slicer and prusa slicer depending on my needs. The reason for the question is some Prints like pla use cooling and some times need additional cooling so I turn on the towers, but if I run the print over night since I turn them on from the duet control it will run the fans all night until I turn them off in the morning even though the print took a hour ect…
Just one other question is there a timer macro that could be used at the end so when the print finishes run the fan for 5 minutes than turn off?
RE: how to turn off all fans at the end of print
@chrishamm what is I wanted to tell it to turn on at a certain layer height? Is that possible?
how to turn off all fans at the end of print
these are my fan configs in config.g
;;; Fans ;;;
M950 F0 C"out3" Q500 ; create fan 0 on pin out3 and set its frequency
M106 P0 C"Hotend Fan" S255 H1 T45 ; set fan 0 name and value. Thermostatic control turned on for Hotend
M950 F3 C"out4" Q500 ; create fan 1 on pin out4 and set its frequency
M106 P3 C"RSCS Towers" S0 H-1 ; set fan 1 name and value. Thermostatic control is turned off
M950 F2 C"out5" Q500 ; create fan 2 on pin out5 and set its frequency
M106 P2 C"MCU Fan" S5 H1 T45 ; set fan 2 name and value. Thermostatic control turned on for extruder
M950 F1 C"out6" Q6000 ; create fan 2 on pin out6 and set its frequency
;M42 P1 S0.5 ;set 50% of mas speed
M106 P1 C"CPAP" S0 H-1 X0.5 ; set fan 2 name and value. Thermostatic control turned on for CHAMBERthis is my end of print slicer gcode
G1 E-10. F300;
G1 Z2.5 E-5;
G1 Z17.5 F2000;
G28X50Y50 ;(HOME X&Y)i want to know what do i need to add to the slicer end gcode to turn on and off my:
M950 F3 C"out4" Q500 ; create fan 1 on pin out4 and set its frequency
M106 P3 C"RSCS Towers" S0 H-1 ; set fan 1 name and value. Thermostatic control is turned off -
RE: Only probe where the part will be printed
sorry one more question so far every time the start code hits your lines the hotend and bed turn off during the mesh than back on after. i tryed moving some things around but it still turns off all heaters during the mesh. here is my full start code
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
M83 ; extruder relative mode
M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; set final bed temp
M104 S150 ; set temporary nozzle temp to prevent oozing during homing and auto bed leveling
G4 S10 ; allow partial nozzle warmup
G28 ; home all axis
G1 Z50 F240
G1 X50 Y50 F3000
M116 ; Wait for all temps to stabilise
G32; (TRIM BED);;;;;;auto probe print area only;;;;;;
set global.minProbeX = {first_layer_print_min[0]}
set global.maxProbeX = {first_layer_print_max[0]}
set global.minProbeY = {first_layer_print_min[1]}
set global.maxProbeY = {first_layer_print_max[1]}
M561 ; clear any bed transform
M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; set final bed temp
M104 S150 ; set temporary nozzle temp to prevent oozing during homing and auto bed leveling
G4 S10 ; allow partial nozzle warmup
G29 ; do mesh for printed area
G29 S1 ; load small mesh
G01 X0 Y{"{move.axes[1].max}"} Z0.6 F1500 ; Move to back corner while heating
M568 P{current_extruder} R{"{heat.coldExtrudeTemperature+5}"} S{first_layer_temperature[current_extruder]} A2 ; (set standby and active temperatures for active tool. Standby is 5 degrees above cold extrude temp )
M116 ; Wait for all temps to stabilise;;;;final temp and purge line;;;;
M104 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]+extruder_temperature_offset[initial_extruder]} ; set final nozzle temp
M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed temp to stabilize
M109 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]+extruder_temperature_offset[initial_extruder]} ; wait for nozzle temp to stabilize
G4 S10 ; allow partial nozzle warmup
G1 X0.1 Y20 Z0.35 F5000.0; (MOVE TO PURDGE START)
G1 X0.1 Y200.0 Z0.35 F1500.0 E25; (DRAW FIRST LINE)
G1 X0.4 Y200.0 Z0.35 F5000.0; (MOVE TO THE SECOND LINE)
G1 X0.4 Y20.0 Z0.35 F1500.0 E30; (DRAW SECOND LINE)