@veti @dc42 @deckingman
Thank you all for your input and help! Here is my conclusion for anyone else finding this thread and needing an answer:
The following settings using veti's method work:
M305 P0 T97700 B4619 C9.743561e-8 R2200
M305 P1 T97700 B4619 C9.743561e-8 R2200
The following settings using dc42's numbers also work:
M305 P0 T98801 B4185 R2200
M305 P1 T98801 B4185 R2200
I'm guessing that anyone using run of the mill thermistors from China (purchased on ebay or aliexpress, etc) with a Duet Maestro board will find these settings to be functional. I notice little difference between the settings from dc42 and the ones from veti. They vary from each other by only about 2°C at the high end (ABS printing temperature), and they completely agreee/match at room temperature. I'm going to go with dc42's numbers as he explained he was correcting for a rounding error, so potentially more accuracy there. All of this is assuming that the original numbers from the Marlin table were accurate.
Disclaimer: I'm measuring the bed temperature using an IR thermometer which gives varying readings +/- 1.5°C. The accuracy of the Thermometer is also questionable (+/- 2.5°C?). I have no way of accurately measuring the temperature of the hotend. To gauge this I'm manually forcing ABS Filament through the nozzle. While I haven't gotten my fingers calibrated recently, I am comparing the feel of this to the same filament going through my other printer which is properly calibrated for temperatures, and has the same size nozzle. Given these constraints, my conclusions are more of an art than a science.