Oh god...never friggin mind....
I had inserted a 16mm compensation in tpost1.g this morning at 4am which I forgot about....
All better now close post.....mark as solved.....revoke my 3dP license..
Oh god...never friggin mind....
I had inserted a 16mm compensation in tpost1.g this morning at 4am which I forgot about....
All better now close post.....mark as solved.....revoke my 3dP license..
going to the release version of 3.3 seems to have fixed it.
Thank you very much indeed!!
Add this to your config.g
M574 E2 S1 P"e0stop" ; configure active-high endstop for high end on E via pin estop
M591 D0 P7 C"e0stop" L7 R50:200 E15 S1 ;configure BTT smart filament sensor
adjust the "e0stop" to be whatever pin you are using.
verks just fine for me
Never mind I see it:
M141 P2 H2 should be M141 P0 H2
I appreciate this link!
Thank you very much indeed.
I cant find where this gcode changes anything in the object model:
M913 Z50
Where should I be looking?
going to the release version of 3.3 seems to have fixed it.
Thank you very much indeed!!
yes I've tried "global derack" "global magprobe_status" "global qgl"
all start some weird connection loop on the DWC
sorry it's 3.3 rc2
duet 2 wifi
How do you define a global variable?
I have tried entering
global status=true
in the console
And then the web interface just goes into a non stop connect disconnect loop.
Tried the same with
global status=1
even tried putting this declaration right into gonfig.g
That just put the entire system into the same connection connect disconnect loop regardless of reboot.
I've been struggling with this for a bit now....
cant get a global variable created...
What am I not doing here?
Oh god...never friggin mind....
I had inserted a 16mm compensation in tpost1.g this morning at 4am which I forgot about....
All better now close post.....mark as solved.....revoke my 3dP license..
So I'm observing the change over on T1 and there's two moves on re-priming one short and then one the normal length...this cant be the slicer at this point in the code as the printer has full control...unless it's a buffered move? I just don't get it...how could the slicer be affecting things at this point.