@Phaedrux sweet baby jaysus, thank you, sorry been out of town for work and just got back home and started messing with the config file. That did the trick, no longer getting the heater error and the board is generating the designated I.P. Address.

2 things, I'm pretty sure I didn't set up the IP address code correctly when setting everything up which is why I was getting inconsistent connections, should be good to go now.

As for the heater issue, I didn't set up a tool in the config setup because I thought it was for something for people using a duel extruder or two hotends... didn't completely understand it so I left it blank to be safe, I think that's where my issue originated from.

Everything is working correctly now, just need to deal it in, just spent the last hour upgrading the springs on the bed to bigger ones to put more pressure on the bottom of the build plate. Should be up and running soon!

Again, thank you for the help, ive been completely baffled for 2 weeks now trying to sort everything out. In retrospect, probably should have started on a simpler build, but this has been in the works for a while and I just want to see it through.