I'm on windows version 4.8 and for me it is in .
Extensions > post processing > modify g code > add a script > pause at height , and may be set method to reprap m226 .
I'm on windows version 4.8 and for me it is in .
Extensions > post processing > modify g code > add a script > pause at height , and may be set method to reprap m226 .
@fadi I would say buy a cheap kit first like the ender 3.
Which is like a build your own , but it as all the correct parts and instructions how to build it.
Play and learn with all the parts and find why some parts are better than others , take things apart and learn before you make your own .
I started my 3d printing days with my own design , but it is not until you get it working you find , "you think you are making a great new design" , but really building a cart with square wheels.
Over the first post there is a topic tools gear button ( Right , Top ) .
Select ask a question, then select topic solved .
@alxndr ok let say you want to probe 50 from each corner ?.
M557 Start x : End x Start y : End Y S steps
M557 X50:170 Y50:170 Which works out to be 30 spacing
So M557 X50:170 Y50:170 S30 will probe between 50 and 170 inc.
@tinken on cura there is .
there is a pause at layer height
yes your logic is correct of S55 is correct BUT DON'T FORGET , 0 and 220 is first and last points where the probe will check the bed, So the nozzle will be 45mm off the edge right side of the bed ?. ( don't know if this is a problem or not )
So you may only be able to probe 130mm of the bed.
0+45 and 220-45 ?
not sure about the R value never used it myself , it is a delay before after probe.
@droftarts said in Firmware update duet 2 , 3.11 > 3.22:
M997 S1
Done that , it look like it as stop my wifi , eg wifi is disconnected .
o.k restarted my wifi with M552 S1
back up and running .
Not seen sykb on , But I can see lots of faults .
Can't tell what printer he has , but to me the off sets or wrong , the homing files are wrong , and he is not probing the centre of the bed.
@alxndr said in Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro:
; Z-Probe
M558 P9 C"^zprobe.in" H5 F100 T2000 ;
M950 S0 C"exp.heater3" ; define GPIO/Servo pin index
M557 X0:220 Y0:220 S25 ; define mesh grid
G31 X-45 Y-4 Z3.737 ;
M307 H3 A-1 C-1 D-1 ;
G31 X-45 Y-4 Z3.737 this should set it offset to 3.737mm from the trigger point of the probe to the bed, I never bothered with G92 Z0.
Too many points M557 X0:220 Y0:220 S25 , the S25 is the spacing between point so just increase the S value .
Just use m401 and m402 to test if the probe retracts .
Also m558 :- Rnnn Z probe recovery time before the probing move is started.
@Phaedrux I was using heater 7 before on rrf 2 , so moved the control pin to heater 7 and it works.
M300 S300 P1000
echo "state.status" , state.status
if state.status = "paused"
elif state.status = "processing"
(1) beep 1 second 300hz
(2) show me state.state , just used for testing
(3) if state.status varable says "pause" resume printing
(4) resume printing from paused
(6) if state.status varable says "processing" you must be printing , so pause print
(7) pause print
@alxndr post these files .
Does x and y homing work ?
Type in send code ( and send ) M401 and M402 and see if the bltouch works
just a silly thing ,but are you on version 3 of the firmware ?
The Stepper motors on my ender 5 is wired ABAB , which I would guess in correct for most creality printers.
So if you are swapping the middle pin you are wiring it up as AABB.
To test things out just short two wires on the stepper motor and you will fell a resistance to turning, that's how to find the phases of the stepper or use a meter.
As long as you get the phases correct it will just run in the wrong direction.
I did the same thing , e0 as a filament run sensor and e1 a pause print and resume print.
But one thing I forgot about is the pause print adds a 10mm retraction , so you change the filament and push until to get filament out of the nozzle , clean than off and start the print you will get a 10mm blob on your print.
So retract 10mm before starting your print .
; External Triggers
M950 J0 C"!^e0stop"
M950 J1 C"!^e1stop"
M581 P0 T1 S1 R1 ;
M581 P1 T3 S1 R0 ;
M300 S300 P1000
echo "state.status" , state.status
if state.status = "paused"
elif state.status = "processing"
so for the x1 and y1 under endstops, i want them to be x2 and y2 ?
so they should be high end, active high?
Yes and yes ... Low end mean home left , High mean home right , it tell you machine where the end stops our.
making motors s0 would do what exactly? turn in the other direction.
Before it was told that the end stop was on the left , but went to the right and hit the end stop on the right .
in a way it would work as it was now , but you would get a mirror of it.
so right now, when i home x and y, they go back end and right side.
Yes , but it thinks it is going to the left and hitting a end stop on the left.
1/ what version of the firmware are you using . try M122
( you are on version 3 of the config.g , but have you upgraded to version 3 firmware )
2/ Are you getting the red light and getting the in and out power on self test
@norwestie I had the same problem once.
I was making changes to config.g when I had problem with my wifi , So it made a blank version of config.g while updating it and now it wouldn't connect to my router so I rebooted my duet 2 wifi which copied the config.g blank file to the config.g backup file.
So now I keep a copy of the config.g on my laptop !!!
I'm lost want happening if it not showing 220 , 220 homed !!! .
I take it you are using more or less the config.g file you posted at the start.
**** o.k , just looked at your config.g and found the problem ****
; Endstops
M574 X1 S1 P"xstop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on X via pin xstop
M574 Y1 S1 P"ystop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on Y via pin ystop
M574 Z1 S1 P"zstop" ; configure active-high endstop for low end on Z via pin zstop
M574 X1 S1 , what does this mean ?
Xnnn Position of X endstop: 1 = low end, 2 = high end.
Snnn Endstop type: 0 = active low endstop input, 1 = active high endstop input
S1 is correct for it works.
Now for the bit you have wrong X1 and Y1 , which means it homes to the left / front , X1,Y1 this need to be changed to X2,Y2 home to the right / back.
it is homing right and back because the motor directions are wrong like I said yesterday .
; Drives
M569 P0 S1 ; physical drive 0 goes forwards <----
M569 P1 S1 ; physical drive 1 goes forwards <----
M569 P2 S0 ; physical drive 2 goes backwards
M569 P3 S1 ; physical drive 3 goes backwards
Make P0 and P1 motors S0 not S1 , like this.
; Drives
M569 P0 S0 ; physical drive 0 goes forwards <----
M569 P1 S0 ; physical drive 1 goes forwards <----
M569 P2 S0 ; physical drive 2 goes backwards
M569 P3 S1 ; physical drive 3 goes backwards
You are on the version 3.1 of the config.g , but what version of the firmware are you on ? use M122
=== Diagnostics ===
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 3.1.1 running on Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Used output buffers: 3 of 24 (17 max)
But if you are on version 3 of the firmware and config.g try adding the !^ which is pull up and invert .