Thank you @Danal !
Love your sig btw!!

Posts made by papilio
RE: Icarus Delta ... nearly finished!
RE: Icarus Delta ... nearly finished!
@t3p3tony said:
Some of the photos look like renders! very nice looking printer and great pictures.
Thanks a lot Tony .
I get what you mean by looking at renderinings! I've used Rhino6 for CAD design, and was astonished by the way the printer arrived at a look even surpassing that of the renderings, as the machine took form.
RE: Icarus Delta ... nearly finished!
Thanks so much @Martin1454 !
I love industrial design, so I indulged myself a bit on this printer. In my experience, design efforts which include attention to form lead to simpler and more elegant design solutions even from a purely functional standpoint, as long as aesthetics aren't allowed to usurp technical considerations.
Icarus Delta ... nearly finished!
So this has been almost two years in design and fab ... I'd say 98% done, just tidying up the wiring and making proper harnesses.
.First layer air-print video:
. -
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
Got it, thank you @sigxcpu !
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
I'll be expecting my AliExpress 555 24V to arrive in the next week or so, can somebody direct me to the proper diode for use on a new Duet Ethernet, perhaps from the Digikey catalog? Thanks!
RE: Correct wiring to run 12V LED on 24V Duet with PWM?
That's great info @Jacotheron, thanks so much for your help!
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
Just wondering @sigxcpu ... I was looking through posts and found your PWM for the pump at the suggested ~F25500?
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
Thank you @c310! As my printer's yet to be commissioned I think I'll hold off on an in-depth discussion until the tusk setup as I've adapted it has proven itself in my experience, but please check out these posts by the concept's developer Michael Hackney yet-to-be-proven idea which is evident in that photo is something I'm rather excited about. I'm attempting to implement MakerGear's V4 hot end into the design. A fairly novel approach by MakerGear and welcome in my goal of eliminating all fans from the printer, this hot end is passively cooled. This is achieved by having a short, very thin-walled heat break just above the heater block. My tests upon receiving the unit, having placed a thermistor into a hole just next to the clamping collar in the custom-machined bracket, indicated that the top section of the hot end never goes above warm-to-the-touch (max temp reached was 43°C) during a two-hour run with the hot end at 260°C.
I'm not aware of the V4 having been used as a stand-alone unit previously, and quite likely never on a delta. As this hot end relies on short retractions to avoid jams it must be fed by a direct extruder, not a Bowden tube. The Zesty Nimble remote drive extruder allows this, and users find that retractions can be kept well under 1mm.
The adoption of both the tusk cooling system and this MakerGear hot end have really helped me to keep the effector assembly clean and minimalist. I've striven to keep the view to the nozzle as unobstructed as possible since I love watching what's going on. Sometimes it's fun looking back at the state of the printer's design in previous incarnations, here are a couple of images showing the massive effector head with its three hovercraft fans as I'd envisioned just one year ago!
And if anyone's as mesmerized by watching the Delta Dance as I always am, here's a short clip of the printer doing a first layer air-print
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
Hey @sigxcpu, my new pump's on its way ... thanks for the tip, can't wait to check it out!
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
Thank you @fma! As my entire printer design is still quite a way from being operational, I might for now best refer you to my inspiration for the tusk concept ... Michael Hackney -
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
Also, for a given output which is likely to be quieter ... 12V or 24V? In any case, as mentioned earlier, don't mind building a sound box for it.
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
Sounds like good news! And thanks for the search tip.
I've not yet actually experienced air-pump cooling in use, but the theory sounds good and I love getting rid of fans ... if things go as planned not one of them will be on the machine. That's why I'm so concerned about eliminating any noise I can -- running the printer now in air-print mode, everything is eerily silent.
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
Thanks very much @sigxcpu! Seems I'd read that they were quite loud so I hadn't investigated further, but I'll be sure to check their pump out. I'm guessing that "under powered" is still plenty.
I did discover that the exhaust can indeed be the noisiest bit, by fiddling around with tight airflow routes I was able to get the sound muffled to the point of near-inaudibility.
RE: PWM possible for AC Aquarium pump?
Incidentally, my "tusk" cooling system ...