Hi droftarts,
That did the trick!
I had to perform complete install of Bossa, not just run exe, for my system to find COM port, but afterwards it went on swimmingly.
I tried connecting to printer with Pronterface with no issues (over USB cable).
Now comes the second hurdle - DWC refuses to connect.
I set IP address and my PC has different IP in same range, and ping gets a reply, but I get
"IP Adress refused to connect" error in browser.
I could be that my LAN needs a bit tinkering and will work on this, but as a side question - is there a way to verify if DWC is properly deployed and running?
It is placed on SD card (in /www folder), along with /sys and /gcodes as described in SD Card file structure.
Technically, printer is up and running (according to Pronterface), but I am really partial about DWC. It is really a huge QOL improvement.
Just a side note, during this debugging session, printer is directly connected to my PC´s LAN port. I used this setup before, when trying out some tweaks, with no issues and I dont see why it shouldnt work now as well.
Do you have any hints for me at this point?
Thanks in advance for taking time to respond previously and for any information you can provide.
Kind Regards,