Ok, thanks
In the example scheme I have seen that the negative output of the buck converter does not connect to anything. It is right?
Ok, thanks
In the example scheme I have seen that the negative output of the buck converter does not connect to anything. It is right?
Thank you.
In the case of fans, the solution is simple, but in the case of heaters, there is no jumper to put the voltage of the buck converter.
I want to supply 32v to duet 3 but cannot find heaters or fans at this voltage. Is it possible to use a 32V to 24V buck converter to power the heaters and fans?
How would it connect to the board?
I had thought of this, which is capable of providing 3A (24 * 3 = 72W)
Thank you!
@dc42 I think the AOD4184A mosfet and the Schottky CDBA540-HF would not be able to work above 40 volts, so the solution of removing the D3 diode and externally powering the regulators can be dangerous. It is right?