@t3p3tony Sorry to intrude, but does the Driver 0 TMC2209 look odd to you? Looking at 2 separate photos, the text line above GERMANY looks odd on that one driver.

Posts made by NexxCat
RE: Mini Duet 5+ - Part fan runs continuously
RE: Designing a PWM to Analog mini board for fans
@egon-net Thanks
I'll hold off for now then, but great work on the product!
RE: Designing a PWM to Analog mini board for fans
@egon-net Out of interest. What would the cost be per board, delivered to the UK? Do you think they could be assembled with a fine tipped soldering iron, or only hot air?
RE: Is non-linear extrusion worth bothering with?
@dc42 said in Is non-linear extrusion worth bothering with?:
@nexxcat said in Is non-linear extrusion worth bothering with?:
From my data and tests, I see a maximum of 2% under-extrusion when really pushing the filament, but by that point the quality of the plastic coming out of the nozzle has degraded greatly. By the time I see 4-5% under-extrusion, the BMG extruder is skipping.
IMO, 2% under extrusion at the maximum flow rate you want to use is not worth worrying about. If it was 10%, then nonlinear extrusion might provide some benefit.
It seems likely to me that dual-drive extruders may exhibit less nonlinearity than single drive extruders.
Yeah, that pretty much matches my data, but thank you for taking the time to give your thoughts @dc42, I know you are very busy
@droftarts said in Is non-linear extrusion worth bothering with?:
@nexxcat the guy who designed the Orbiter extruder did some volumetric flow tests with different filaments at different speeds. See halfway down the page, here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4725897
That is a super useful link. Thank you very much @droftarts. Again, it matches my data, so I know what I've done is correct!
RE: Is non-linear extrusion worth bothering with?
@phaedrux Thank you, that's kind of what I figured from the data I got when calculating maximum volumetric flow.
Appreciate the input, I'll drop the idea of adding it
Is non-linear extrusion worth bothering with?
Quick question for anyone who feels like chipping in their thoughts
I'm working on a project which currently can do the following:
- Full automatic calibration of an extruder steps/mm value
- Check for extruder consistency
- Calculate the maximum volumetric flow for the hot end
This is all achieved using a small piece of hardware I've designed (and which will all be open source when it's done), plus a GUI application written in Python and Qt.
One person said that is would be an excellent tool for calibrating non-linear extrusion, and adding it wouldn't be too difficult (once I get my head around the formula), but it seems no firmware other than RRF supports the feature. Further, it doesn't seem very well documented on how to calculate the A, B & L values from a given set of data (feed rate vs over / under extrusion).
From my data and tests, I see a maximum of 2% under-extrusion when really pushing the filament, but by that point the quality of the plastic coming out of the nozzle has degraded greatly. By the time I see 4-5% under-extrusion, the BMG extruder is skipping.
Do people still use it? Is it one of those features that RRF will eventually drop for extra code space?
Thanks for reading!
Simon -
RE: macros in Simplify3d
@r123 said in macros in Simplify3d:
@nexxcat ah, then I should be giving my macros a ".g" extension in the name which also appears in DWC?
so call mine "Dock_Wipe.g" in DWC?
It's worth a try
RE: macros in Simplify3d
@r123 said in macros in Simplify3d:
@nexxcat and you have added a ".g" to the filename. When I tried that in DWC it didn't accept it? So is the syntax different when sending from the slicer?
Not sure why DWC wouldn't accept that. All my macros have a .g extension.
Here is my full start gcode from S3D, if that helps
G28 ; Home all M190 R[bed0_temperature] ; Heat the bed to temperature G4 S60 ; Sleep for 60s to allow heat soak M290 R0 S0 ; Reset baby-stepping to 0 G32 ; Level the bed G28 Z ; Re-home Z G29 S0 ; Probe the bed G1 X-100 Y-100 ; Move XY back to home G10 P0 S[extruder0_temperature] R160 ; Heat nozzle to print temperature M116 ; Wait until temperatures are reached M98 P"0:/macros/prime_nozzle.g" ; Run nozzle prime macro
RE: macros in Simplify3d
@r123 Simplify3D uses commas as a newline character when storing the profile and in the gcode header. Those should be fine.
I'm running a macro in my S3D start gcode using the following syntax:
M98 P"0:/macros/prime_nozzle.g" ; Run nozzle prime macro
Perhaps try removing the spaces from the macro file name?
RE: Easier to use Software
@deckingman I mean no disrespect to you by what I'm about to say, honestly. I've found much of your blog content, posts here and YouTube videos to be interesting and informative, and on one hand I understand your frustration, it is in part of your own making.
Your printer is very advanced, easily one of the most complex CoreXY builds I certainly have ever seen, but if it being in a state is such an issue, why not simply revert back to using the Duet 2 + Duex + RRF2 where it all worked? You spend a lot of time here lambasting @dc42 and the other developers, but from your own admission, everything worked to your satisfaction with the older hardware, no?
I have seen you say multiple times on your own videos that you refuse to try beta or RC firmware, and yet complain when things don't work for you. Problems cannot be found and fixed without assistance from those who suffer from the issues. An issue which isn't reproduceable for a developer is almost impossible to fix, and I say this with a software development background.
Again, if your printer has to be working, why would you have changed from the working electronics? Why not change back to those after all of the issues? I don't understand the your mentality of "it must work the way I want it, even if there is another way that DOES work".
Maybe it's just me, but it's saddening to see the constant attacks from you towards the Duet developers
I'm truly sorry if you feel I am attacking you, or your character, but I'm just sharing an opinion from an outside perspective with no bias towards either side.
RE: Duex5 Endstop Issue
I had a very similar issue when building my IDEX printer. I seem to remember finding information from @dc42 that the end-stops on the Duex2/5 were polled differently from those on the main Duet2 board. I just moved mine back to the main board and the issue went away.
The issue I had was caused by the end-stop status not changing correctly or becoming stuck as triggered when it wasn't. This caused failed homing on the U axis, or failure to do a second more precise homing move after the coarse one. I verified that it was the Duex by manually triggering the end-stop and monitoring its status in DWC, where you could see it sticking. As soon as I moved it to the Duet2, it worked flawlessly.
RE: RepRapFirmware road map Q1 2021
Thank you for your continued work on improving RepRapFirmware and the entire Duet ecosystem @dc42
Do variables fall on the roadmap anywhere yet? I know it's possible right now using fake axes / etc, and I don't have a use in mind yet, but I was just curious.
RE: Native App for Duet3d/RRF - Wishlist
I'd certainly be interested in testing out an Android version
I've got a Fire 7 tablet with a stock Android ROM which I use for my printers.
RE: Duet 3 SBC : Need explanation on multi Z homing
@NexxCat said in Duet 3 SBC : Need explanation on multi Z homing:
@dc42 said in Duet 3 SBC : Need explanation on multi Z homing:
Where you probe doesn't matter if the bed is flat, although obviously measuring the tilt is more accurate if the probe points are widely separated.
You can probe more points than you have leadscrews.
So you could, for example, probe a 3x3 over the entire bed (9x G30 probe points) and still use S3 on the final one to have the three lead screws correct based on a larger data set?
To answer my own question. You can indeed do this!
RE: Duet 3 SBC : Need explanation on multi Z homing
@dc42 said in Duet 3 SBC : Need explanation on multi Z homing:
Where you probe doesn't matter if the bed is flat, although obviously measuring the tilt is more accurate if the probe points are widely separated.
You can probe more points than you have leadscrews.
So you could, for example, probe a 3x3 over the entire bed (9x G30 probe points) and still use S3 on the final one to have the three lead screws correct based on a larger data set?
RE: Duet 3 SBC : Need explanation on multi Z homing
@Phaedrux said in Duet 3 SBC : Need explanation on multi Z homing:
@NexxCat said in Duet 3 SBC : Need explanation on multi Z homing:
you would want to specify the pivot point, then probe as close to those locations as possible?
Yes, that makes sense. However, in practice, it isn't really critical because you're likely going to run 2 or 3 cycles anyway to make sure it's converged, however the closer on the first pass the better.
Perfect, thanks!
RE: Duet 3 SBC : Need explanation on multi Z homing
As a side question to this.
Say you are using a kinematic 3 point bed; do you specify the leadscrew positions as where the leadscrews physically are, or where the kinematic pivot is? It would seem that in this situation, you would want to specify the pivot point, then probe as close to those locations as possible?
RE: Duet 3 JST-VH crimp terminals
@deckingman said in Duet 3 JST-VH crimp terminals:
@NexxCat Yes.
Thank you! You are a gentleman and a scholar
Duet 3 JST-VH crimp terminals
I'm moving my Duet 3 to a new printer and need to get some more of the large motor / high output crimps. I know from searching here that they are JST-VH, but could someone confirm for me that these are the correct part to buy?
I'm buying other components from RS, so want to place them in the same order.