@fcwilt looks like you solved it!
Reduced print temp down to 195 and just had a fantastic print. Retried the fast print and the result was just as good. The ramps board must have been giving false temperature readings as it needed 215 to print PLA.
Thank you so much for everyones help and assistance

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RE: Duet 2 inconsistent extrusions at slow speeds
RE: Manual Bed Levelling & Mesh Levelling on a corexy printer?
@fcwilt using those positions gives me a large level area covering roughly 3/5ths of the glass and is big enough for 99% of what I print. This means I don't have to run a mesh levelling routine to compensate for any uneveness.
If I level at the extremes then only the outer front and rear edges are printable and the centre section is too high and I'd have to use mesh compensation all the time when I just want to use it for very occasional prints -
RE: Duet 2 inconsistent extrusions at slow speeds
@fcwilt I'm using the filament I was using before installing the duet
RE: Manual Bed Levelling & Mesh Levelling on a corexy printer?
@Phaedrux @fcwilt thank you for your assistance, with your help i've managed to setup the printer with manual bed levelling and no sensor, tested it, tweaked and its now good to go
RE: Duet 2 inconsistent extrusions at slow speeds
@fcwilt double checked that, 100mm is extruded
RE: Duet 2 inconsistent extrusions at slow speeds
i also changed to "relative extrusion distances" in simplify3d for the Duet, never needed that for the wanhao i3