@dc42 Not a problem! Thanks for being so responsive as always. In the end, this is a pretty minor bug but it will be nice to have this working properly again.

Latest posts made by MrSteve920
RE: Panel Due with RRF 3.0 issue
RE: RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!
@dc42 Did you ever get around to testing what the new maximum step rate in RRF3 is? I saw there was a change in one of the recent betas to get some of the max step rate back; do you think it's going to be possible to increase the max step even more in the future?
RE: Panel Due with RRF 3.0 issue
Is this something that will be resolved in the future or is this just going to stay the way it is because of some changes that were made in reprap 3?
RE: Panel Due with RRF 3.0 issue
@dc42 Requested files attached:
1_Lights Off.g
Config.g has been configured to account for the changes from release 3.0 to pre-release 3.01 beta 1, but I can't see how that would make a difference.Again to reiterate, I am not seeing any freezing on the temperature/coordinates prior to pressing a macro button on the panel. Also just for full disclosure, running these macros over the web interface causes absolutely no issues and it does seem to happen regardless of what macro I try to run (I've been using my overhead lights off macro as a test case).
Tested this issue against 3.01 beta 1 and the issue is still present on that pre-release build.
RE: Panel Due with RRF 3.0 issue
I'm seeing a similar issue as well with the Panel Due on RRF3. I have not experienced the display of temperature or coordinates freezing on its own. When I go to the control page and click a macro to run, the display stops updating and the macro is never run. The display isn't actually frozen l, but no variable readings are being updated.
If given enough time though (around 15 minutes roughly), the display does seem to unfreeze/reconnect to the duet and any macros that I wanted to run get performed. Resetting the panel due does not immediately fix the problem as the display doesn't reconnect to the duet.
This wasn't a problem on 2.04 and it's not a problem when a print isn't running. Panel Due is on latest firmware.
RE: High number of hiccups during basic moves
@phaedrux Lack of layer shifts aside, I would say that the print quality is as good if not slightly better than it was before. I have only run a couple of small calibration prints so far but I do intend on printing a Sir Layers-A-Lot with a filament sample tonight or tomorrow.
RE: High number of hiccups during basic moves
Thanks for the help everyone. It appears that changing my microstep values to something more appropriate for a delta with my components was the solution to my problems. I am now back to printing completely normal prints. I ended up using x16 with interpolation as suggested. It is still unclear to me as to why I only recently started having issues, but from this discussion it's clear that using x64 microstepping was not a recommended setting regardless of if I was having issues or not. Thanks again.
RE: High number of hiccups during basic moves
@dc42 said in High number of hiccups during basic moves:
Only if you tell me the maximum travel speed that you want to use, and the angle between the rod and the horizontal when the effector is at the edge of the bed opposite the tower that the rod is attached to.
I got an angle of 14.5deg assuming his printer uses 375mm rods and using the delta radius from my last calibration with a 300mm diameter bed. Let's use a max travel speed of 175mm/s.
RE: High number of hiccups during basic moves
@dc42 That explains my high number of hiccups since between the defaults for my config and the speeds I was requesting of the printer I would have needed a step pulse rate greater than 150kHz for pretty much all of my tests. I've put my config to x16 with interpolation and during basic calibrations I am producing no hiccups as expected. This was a good issue to get resolved, but I'm not convinced that this was the cause of my print issues since the print issues just started happening. I mentioned in a reply earlier that I recently installed a buildtak magnetic flexplate system onto my printer that I have since removed to do this testing. Can you think of anything that would be problematic about installing that system in the way I described? I was thinking about whether it could cause some level of emi, but that seems unlikely to me based on my tests and observations.
RE: High number of hiccups during basic moves
@garyd9 I'm getting about 0.04mm difference in mean on that backlash test. That seems to indicate to me that I do have somewhat of a backlash issue, but I need some context to know how severe it is. This doesn't really surprise me since I just re-tensioned the belts and I probably went a little further than I should have. I know David's post in the thread that you mentioned had a difference in means of 0.009mm.