Hi everyone ![:wave: 👋](https://forum.duet3d.com/assets/plugins/nodebb-plugin-emoji/emoji/android/1f44b.png?v=m5joaec4b84)
my name is Mario - obviously I'm new here - and I struggling with executing specific G- & M-commands on a Duet3 board while a debugger is active.
The firmware debugging itself works fine. I'm able to build and start a debug session directly within Eclipse.
However, it became tricky for me when I wanted to execute specific G-/M-commands during a debug session.
I tried to ...
(1) Send commands using the Duet Software Framework, but I'm not able to get a connection during a debug session.
(2) Send commands using Pronterface (https://www.pronterface.com), but it didn't work either.
(3) Load commands from SD cards. This approach works, but to me it is not really nice workflow. So, I really would like to avoid using a SD card
Here, my actual question is:
What's the best practice to test single & multiple G- & M-Commands during a debug session?
- Duet 3 Board (ATSAM70Q20)
- Segger JLink Plus
- Raspberry Pi Model 3 B+
- Notebook (Windows/OSX)
- Duet 3 Firmware
- RepRapFirmware: v3.01-dev
- RRFLibraries: dev
- CoreNG: dev
- FreeRTOS: master
- DuetWiFiSocketServer: master
- Segger JLink Remote Server
- Raspberry Pi with DuetPi (downloaded on 2020-05-13)
- Eclipse
- GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processor
- Segger connects via SWD ping to the Duet3 board
- Raspberry Pi connects via USB to the Segger
- The Raspberry Pi works as remote debug server
- Eclipse connects via the network to the remote debug server on the Raspberry Pi